Title says it all. His family is really sweet to me and we are very cordial. We also greet each other and do things together like play games. But, I want a deeper connection with them now. I just don’t know how tbh.
I mention the autism because it can really hinder my ability to freely socialize, eye contact, knowing social cues, etc.

So… what do I do?
Also, no ableism or autism hate. Pls & thanks

1 comment
  1. Deeper connections are formed with time and emotional vulnerability. For instance you can make it clear you are a safe non-judgmental person to talk to. You can share things that are a bit emotionally vulnerable and see if they reciprocate. But don’t force it. The part where is gets tricky is gauging how much to share so go slow. For instance sharing a small fear you have that is not deeply traumatic is a better start than something that’s really heavy. Go light and slow. And ask you bf for help. Sounds like you’re already doing great. It takes time to deepen connections. Even if you aren’t the best at eye contact or intimacy over time they will see you can share caring in ways that are natural for you. And time alone will induce feelings of closeness.

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