About 3 weeks ago my (30F) LDR ended, we were on and off for 3.5 years and I’ve been broken up with multiple times. This time we were back together for 5 months and the previous breakup I felt okay and handled it really well, until she came back asking to try again. Which I hesitantly agreed to but took it slow, I was really committed to the relationship and put in a lot of effort to travel to be together and be present for special events/family things and it wasn’t really reciprocated. I got broken up with again, when I was still committed to trying to make it work. I just feel so low, I have a good career on 6 figures and great friends and lifestyle where I am but I really just feel like quitting my job and leaving to travel around. I know it won’t fix how I feel, I know it isn’t sensible to throw away a stable job especially in this climate but I am so so low, I cried thinking about going into work tomorrow. Help?

TLDR; got broken up with and feel like throwing my life away and starting over

  1. You worked hard to get where you are… you should keep this good life you made for yourself. Maybe take some time.. for mental health, vacation if you can. Maybe a little time off will help.

  2. Aww, I’m sorry. LDRs are so frickin’ hard for everybody. If your partner wants to start up again, I’d say no – it’s not worth this amount of hurt.

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