I’m not talking to this guy anymore, so I feel I can speak freely about my situation. I really really really really really think he’s a narcissist, and he plans these things through with intent, and malice.

The guy I was talking to was named G (let’s name him G for privacy reasons) he told me hes been wanting to hook up with me for a while. I immediately was suspicious. I tried to connect the dots and see if G’s words are true, I realized almost the entire time we spoken to each-other he was always saying “jokes” about me getting dicked down by another guy? Whenever I would show interest or talk about having sex with him, he would turn it around and kind of turn me down. So for him to say he wanted to hook up with me “**for a long time”*** makes my blood fucking boil. What he says is a stretch. If he wanted to hook up he would’ve done it. We have had MANNNNNNNNNNNNNY opportunities to do it without anything in the way but the only thing in the way is G, that so called “wants” it. Every time HE planned to hook up he said some dumb lie to why he can’t do it that day. like wyfm??? Your were the one that planned it!
It’s not even like that he couldn’t do it. He just planned to bring up to me and he planned to purposely withdraw. Common thing wirh narcs. He knew he was going to withdraw from the start.

He was blabbing about how nervous which is why “it took him so long”. Fuck out of here. If he wanted to have sex with me, he would’ve already done already it regardless of his anxiousness. He tries to put so many obstacles to why we can’t do it, but there’s so many ways we can do it.

I hate guys like this. This dude always complains about how horny he is, how much he wants head and then when he meets someone like me who is eager to get laid by him he is all over the place. The most stupid excuse he gave me was that he can’t leave the house because his parents are home all day. But then goes out on car rides a dn meeta up with friends then next fuckinf day. I hate this guy so much. Some fat ass 5 foot 4 dude to that has nothing else to do with his life but mess with girls sexual feeling..
I can’t understand why does people in this world like him? He is so fucking narcissistic.

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