Since I was a little girl. I would hold my pee until I couldn’t hold it anymore. I loved feeling the warm and wet sensation. I would almost orgasm every time. It wasn’t all the time I did this, but every once in a while. I am am currently with a guy who I love so much, but he has been vocal that any bodily fluid type kinks are off the table, so I wouldn’t ask him to partake in any playing, but should I tell him? I don’t do this very often at all anymore. But if I see porn where a girl is peeing herself, I get very turned on. Should I tell him?

I should also note that this isn’t a deal breaker that he isn’t into this, I feel like I have a secret and he has told me things he is into, I just don’t know if I should or not.

  1. As he said he doesn’t like any sexual things that involve body fluids, I wouldn’t recommend telling him anything about it as it’s just not a risk I think is worth it. Although, if it is important to you sexually and you feel it is vital, than don’t lie to him and be honest about your preferences and he will most likely respond positively or you’ll both come to a mutual understanding/agreement.

    Regarding if you have a piss kink, yes you do. It’s not anything abnormal in all honesty so don’t be ashamed or anything. Just make sure you are safe medically, I know there’s risks to your bladder if you hold it in a lot and often, just a heads up haha.

  2. You are a damn unicorn, don’t feel ashamed. Have wanted to meet a girl into it my whole life. Probs shouldnt mention it to him. Probs will freak him out.

  3. I don’t think you should be stressing that you’re keeping anything from him, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the other advice you’ve gotten to keep it to yourself.

    But just as a point in favor of bringing it up, sometimes we end up into things that we never thought we would be. I wouldn’t go out of your way to bring it up, but if you’re on the subject of kinks and he asks you about yours, I think it’s totally fine to preface it with ‘I know this isn’t your thing and that’s fine because it isn’t a big thing for me anyway but…’

    The advantage of doing this is that if on the off-chance it’s something he ends up into himself, it will then be much easier to broach the topic with you whereas without it there exists a reality in which he ends up into it but doesn’t tell you for the same reasons you’re refraining right now.

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