Basically today I met with my thesis supervisor and she was very excited about our work because my thesis could change and improve the way Binge Eating Disorder and other disorders associated are diagnosed in the whole Greece, introducing new questionnaires and new strategies to identify it. She told every colleague of hers about it and it was the first time I saw her so ecstatic about this thesis.
I’m pretty proud about this work too, because I’m italian and I had to go to Erasmus in Greece to work on it and it has been very difficult.

I talked about it with my boyfriend but he didn’t say anything and I’m kinda sad about it. He is going through some rough times at work, because he doesn’t like it, so we are currently talking about it and I’m trying to console him about everything, but I kinda wanted him to congratulate with me… at least knowing he’s proud of me.

It’s not the first time a similar thing happens, some weeks ago a doctor asked me to be his substitute for the month of August and it will be my very first job after my medicine degree in July. I was so happy that a doctor wanted a student to be his substitute (for a month yeah, but still) and I told my boyfriend about it but he never commented anything until I said I would have liked him to say anything.

What do you think, am I being egoistic or am I overreacting? I mean, I don’t want to be celebrated for everything, but is it normal if I feel sad if my bf ignores me this was? I know he doesn’t like his current job and he’s not happy… but I’d like him to be proud of me… or at least to say anything.

Tldr: my bf doesn’t seem to acknowledge my university efforts and I don’t know if I’m an egoist if I want him to be happy for me

1 comment
  1. Hello Winterwere, your not being egoistic at all. Your doing great big things in university and its phenomenal your subbing in for a doctor for a month. The years youve dedicated in school are something people aspire for and few complete be proud! That being said, men in general are very uninterested in the career of women, especially their significant partners. 95% of men ive ever talked to share the belief that their legacy is their work and what theyre able to achieve and theyre female partners lecacy is children and family. The cold hard truth is men generally dont care about womens accomplishment in the workplace.
    I wish you the best of luck in your career and I wish you congratulations! I hope my bluntness wasnt to harsh.

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