Basically I’ve been in a rut for like the past 12 years or so and have been depressed and have really let myself down. I’m starting to get out of it now and I’m improving a bunch of stuff.

Sex and relationships is one of those areas I am hopeless in and looking to improve I’m 29M and I’ve never been in a relationship or anything like before mostly cause I’m real shy and the depression kept me secluded also I’m not particularly attractive.

However I want to learn as much about sex particularly pleasing a woman in bed as I can just in case I get the opportunity to do so. So if you could let me know any helpful advice you have it any links for guides and stuff that could help me out that would be great. Also is there anyway I can practice this kind of stuff on my own?

Regarding condoms I see that the average girth is like 4.5 inches which is 11.43 cms but when I look at the diameter it’s only like 40 cm which seems to be smaller than even the smallest condoms am I missing something or are condoms always a little loose? I’ve never put one on or anything.

Any other general relationship advice would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment
  1. I’d read the book ‘she comes first’ and also focus on finding someone you connect with emotionally. You can research and have a good idea of things you can try, but ultimately having chemistry with someone can just take away a lot of the performative stress that we as men can deal with.

    The condom thing – just buy different sizes and then see what’s comfortable for you. You can test them out on your own and then go from there.

    Sounds like you’re wanting connection and sexual stress may be holding you back a bit. If you find someone you can be comfortable with and explain your situation, it may surprise you. Taking things slow and just being responsive and mindful to someone else’s body can help stay in the moment and not worry about ‘not being good.’

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