What if a man you just startet to date and have sex with confesses, he has a foot fetish?

  1. Does he just like feet? Or he literally needs feet to get off? If he just likes feet, I’d be like cool. Here’s some feet pics. If he needs feet to perform I’d not shame him but I’d think long and hard about it

  2. I’ve slept with dudes like that. It doesn’t do much for me personally but it’s low effort to incorporate

  3. Personally, I wouldn’t really care. I think that if your partner is cool with it, go for incorporating it during sex! I don’t really think that this needs to be a “confession”, it more falls into the “what are you into/like and what are your fetishes” conversation. It’s a good conversation to have in general. Who knows, she might have her own fetish(es) as well! And if she’s not into it, you can decide if you are sexually compatible and if it’s something you’re willing to compromise. It’s better to do it at the beginning of a possible relationship rather than later.

  4. I’d be fine with it, unless he then decided to work in a women’s shoe store

  5. i wouldn’t care tbh. if it was my partner i would probably integrate it into the foreplay.

  6. I had to slowly introduce my foot fetish to my wife. Eventually I just started working my way down her legs with kisses. She already knew a little bit about it as I do her pedicures. But she didn’t seem to mind me kissing and rubbing them. But I have also learned to know when she’s had enough

  7. My ex had a foot fetish I had absolutely no problem with it. I loved loved the feeling of my feet kissed, licked etc and my toes sucked omg amazing!!

  8. I’d show him my feet. 🤷‍♀️

    My man is into way weirder stuff, then feet.

  9. As long as he thinks your feet are beautiful and that’s not the only thing that gets him off.

  10. I wouldn’t call it a fetish but my bf has a foot kink, it doesn’t put me off at all. Just one more thing we can play with. I brought it up to him because I noticed him touching my feet a little when we first got together, and no man had ever done that before, so I asked if it was something he was into and he said yes. Lucky for him I’ve got pretty deft toes and have learned how to blow his mind with them. Plus it means extra foot rubs for me and that’s a bonus

    If he needed it to get off everytime, that might become more of an issue I guess.

  11. It wouldn’t bother me. I also have kinks.
    I’ve had a guy suck my toes and it was weirdly erotic, so I am totally cool with it.

  12. At first not much of a reaction, but now that it’s been a year I tease him or ask him why doesn’t he do foot stuff with me. It’s a harmless fetish, I don’t think many people would have a negative reaction to it unless they are either ticklish or self conscious bout their feet.

  13. Once I care about someone and feel they care about me, I am much more open to any kinks they may have.

    I have had someone tell me about foot fetish and other fetishes very early and I am not a fan of this. It feels like it takes over the conversations. It limits what else we can get to know about each other. And often my desires have been pushed aside with all the talk about feet and feet fetish stuff.

    Once we have established a connection, I would be open to incorporating aspects of a foot fetish. But again, it should be incorporated. Not dominate all sexual activity. And preferably not required every time. Since this isn’t something that does anything for me, it would be an act that would only be pleasurable to one party. Which isn’t something I would be interested in every single time. But would be willing to participate in because my partner likes it.

  14. This is probably just me but I’d whip off my socks and sit back and enjoy…..

  15. its completely fine and it can be very fun too. get ur feet pedicured and show him those goodies to watch him drool.

  16. I wouldn’t care. Even like it probably. It’s easy to get those gentlemen going, they love to get you a pedicure, pick out some pretty sandals, send him cute toe pics. Get fantastic foot massages…mmmm

  17. tbh i wouldnt mind it. i was never into this stuff but if my partner loves it sure i can make this little affort

  18. I would break up with him, it’s not a freaky fetish but I find it a turn off and don’t want my feet played with

  19. I feel like it would be easier wouldn’t have to find the right angles for nudes. Just send over a couple of feet pics!

  20. I’d be happy that he felt comfortable enough to share that with me, and I’d be fine with it.

    My partner has kinks that are much more.. kinky lol. It’s fine. I probably wouldn’t want to indulge them every single time we were intimate though so as long as he didn’t *need* it in order to enjoy himself I see no issue.

    You don’t need to know what other people think about it though, only how YOU feel about it.

  21. Not the worst thing he could be into lol. Getting your toes sucked feels nice so let it happen unless you aren’t comfortable with it

  22. I hate feet and the whole idea of feet. I don’t want people to touch mine or look at them or anything. If he absolutely needed feet to get off, that’s gonna be a dealbreaker for me. If it’s just something he likes but can live without, I can handle that. However, I’d also be open to eventually doing something related to feet in the bedroom because I like to indulge my partners when I can. But that would only work if I didn’t feel pressured to do it at all.

  23. I’m not into feet at all but my bf was kissing his way down my leg and kissed the top of my foot and I actually liked it. But my feet are very ticklish, I don’t even like getting a pedicure. I’m willing to try pretty much anything once though, never say never etc.

  24. To me it’s completely normal. And I am kinda surprised that my current boyfriend is not into feet.

  25. My feet are heinous, I’d have to pass on that one. Wouldn’t want my nasty feet to be part of the sex, no judgment to the guy, just a personal preference.

  26. i would be intrigued. as long as he’s not creepy about it i would be so down to try foot stuff

  27. I wouldn’t mind. There’s really no performance required, I can’t fail, I don’t have to explain anything, so, no, I wouldn’t mind.

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