
  1. Meeting for coffee, he meets me at the door and holds it open. He looks like in his pictures, we find a common topic of interest, have some gentle banter, he pays for the coffee, we take a walk through a park, talk about stuff we see, like shop windows, childhood experiences in parks, light but personal conversation, I buy Ice Cream, we walk a little more and when everything is still great, we say goodbye and go home, I get a text asking if I got home safely and I answer. He asks me out again one or two days later.

  2. We meet for some type of food and/or beverage. Have a nice chat. He at least offers to pay. Quick kiss and we go our separate ways.

  3. Reasonably decent. 😂

    In all seriousness, I would meet them somewhere during daytime for coffee/tea. Respectful but interesting conversation, questions on both sides about each others’ interests, desires from a relationship, standards, life experiences, and random tangents and debates all over the place. If weather is good and we’re both into it, a walk after with more conversation, maybe a snack. Walk back to the cars, and if a kiss is desired, consent first, and an ask for another date after.

    Followed by a call/text after I get home to make sure I’m safe, emphasis on having had a good time, looking forward to the next time.

    More texting or phone calls between then and the next date, with no pressure or demands.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

  4. A nice first date for me is meeting somewhere for coffee or something cold to drink in the summer.

    Then afterwards I like to take a walk through a park or through a nice neighbourhood, talking about what we like and how we enjoy our free time, things that are important to us and some relaxed joking and laughing.

    To say goodbye on a first date I like to hug the other person if it was a great time. When I get home I either reach out or wait until they reach out to ask if the other got home safely and mention the great time I’ve had.

    If we want to see each other again it’s usually a few texts and/or calls in the following days and then they ask about meeting again — preferably to go see or do something that one of us mentioned on our first date when we talked about what we like to do (movies, exhibition, sport event, concert).

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