Hi everyone!

So I don’t want to date/be in relationships with men who follow instagram models. I’ve been there, done that. Don’t want to go through it again. I find it disrespectful, insulting, and bordering on cheating. I’m not here to debate my feelings about men following instagram models.

The problem is, each time I search up a guy on instagram, he is following tons of instagram model accounts. It seems like such a common thing.

Is it really that rare to find a man who doesn’t follow instagram models?

Edit: I don’t know if this is important, but I am 26F, and I date between a 25-35 age range for men

  1. I’m old, out of touch and don’t even have IG, but are they interacting with the “models”? Or do they just follow so they can see the new pics when they drop?

  2. I don’t have instagram so I don’t follow instagram models. I’m not the only one there’s people with no social media.

    There’s hope for you. Keep your head up.

  3. It’s funny bc the one time I thought I found one, I dated him. Turned out he had a backup instagram to follow hundreds of ig models and worse. At this point I want someone who isn’t on social media

  4. I don’t have anyone in my circle that does this, and I haven’t even looked for people that don’t; so I’d say they’re pretty common. 27yo, so might have to do with age.

    Secondarily, I know this is your boundary, but do you also follow the same rules?

  5. I think it depends how strict you are with the concept. I follow a lot of pro wrestlers, it’s more or less all I use instagram for. When I say pro wrestlers this is both men and women. Very few of them post exclusively wrestling content though. A lot of them post fitness stuff, and a lot of the women post modelling type stuff. I’m not there for the modelling stuff, but I can’t have one without the other. If you were to look at my profile it would probably look like I follow a lot of the cliche instagram models but there’s more to them than just posting thirst traps.

    I think it’s also worth mentioning that you’re posting this in a dating sub. You’re talking to men who are (presumably) single. The content a guy looks at when he’s single and potentially not having a lot of sex is going to be different to when he’s in a relationship and sexually active. I know for a fact if I was single I’d be watching a hell of a lot more porn than I do now but that’s because I’m married and if I want to have sex with my wife she’s more than likely going to be down for that, so I don’t need to watch porn and masturbate.

  6. You need to find men who don’t really care about or use social media, probably.

  7. I’ve never followed a model lol. I’d be a bit embarrassed if I was to open up my phone and a family member ends up seeing that 💀.. besides I don’t check model pages anyways. (I follow way too many meme accounts)

  8. 31M here and only one of my close friends follows IG models. We roast him for it constantly.

    Maybe it has something to do with your “type?” We’re all laid back, kinda outdoorsy guys who prefer grilling out with beers over going out to the club.

  9. As a woman, once I am in a relationship with someone, I know I may need to unsubscribe from certain things. If you’re single, you can do what you want, but find someone who knows what their boundaries are in a relationship and follows them.

    If there’s a ton though, they’re definitely not for you. Try speaking life and think of the man that’s out there for you that doesn’t do this kind of thing.

  10. You need to find you a guy who doesn’t even have Instagram. Although I’m told by women on apps that not having fb or insta is a huge red flag so idk

  11. Thankful my bf is old school and thinks all of that stuff is worthless! They’re out there!

  12. Who even uses instagram? I have one but I’m never on it

    That being said what is the difference between this and watching porn? Like real genuine question

  13. 36M here. I follow one instagram model, only because she’s been my good friend in real life for nearly a decade, way before she was an Instagram model. I follow a lot of weird pages instead though, including:

    A ridiculous horoscope page called Horror Scoops. A page titled “Toilets With Threatening Auras.” Like 10 pages revolving around ducks or duck memes. An uncountable amount of pages of either cute dogs (mostly corgis) or cats. A page that makes fun of cheesy 90’s PSA ads.
    A page that just posts anti-affirmations.

    So, that’s the other side I guess. 😂

  14. I’m 25 and I only follow bands, musicians, and friends. My male friends don’t follow ig models either. Not sure what the difference is between my social circle and the guys you’re dating.

  15. >Is it really that rare to find a man who doesn’t follow instagram models?

    If I had to guess, I’d say most men do NOT.

  16. Idk my bf is 24 and he doesn’t have social media. There are men out there who don’t follow but they’re rare.

  17. Speaking as somewhat an ig model you’re absolutely on point. I see married/newly married/guys with girlfriends comment on my posts and i CRINGE. I kid you not. I think to myself why doesn’t he pay more attention to what’s right in front of him? I also speak as i dated a guy who followed ig models and never liked any of my posts and completely took me for granted.
    Also sidenote: dudes who follow in relationships TRY to shoot their shot in inboxes. So even if you think they’re not interactive they could be trying to! I’ve had many a convo with other models about all the taken dudes trying it and we’re all grossed out.

  18. TikTok is another platform where someone can accidentally or on purpose shape their feed into something that serves them up a plethora of softcore porn via models and dancers or whatever.

    Not trying to brag or anything (I totally am) but my TikTok feed shows me jokes and a few scientists.

  19. I’m 34 and have no social media, nor do I know or care what half of them are used for.

  20. I think you’re dating the wrong type. I don’t even know anyone who does follow IG models to my knowledge.

  21. 24M here and I don’t follow any IG models nor do any of my friends around my age. I think if you’re worried about that in the first place then I’d steer clear of guys that do follow those types of pages just so it won’t become an issue in the future.

  22. My boyfriend isn’t on any social media and I’m so grateful for it. Definitely been in those relationships where my self confidence was shattered by things like that.

  23. I’m 36. So outta your range. But I’ve had IG for awhile. I’ve never followed IG models because like..what exactly is the point? Hahah

  24. 33 male here. Not a single IG model. It’s probably relatively hard to find. I for one recognize it’s a little thirsty.

  25. So what you’re saying is if I make a Hinge account and put “I don’t follow Instagram models” that’s a big green flag?

  26. Never followed 1 in my life

    The real world is where real life happens not the internet

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