How do you feel about Rabbi Meir Kahane?

  1. You’re asking what people think of an obscure man who died over 30 years ago.

    The answer is that almost no one thinks of him at all.

  2. Why don’t you just tell us what you think of this person most of us have never heard of.

  3. He is a rabbi that created a terrorist organization, Jewish Defense League, for those wondering

    Passed away in 1990

    Edit: he was actually assassinated in 1990

  4. He’s no rabbi Pat O’Leary, Rabbi LL Cool J or rabbi Fluffy. That’s for damn sure

  5. Had to look him up. Don’t get many positive vibes from the leader of a terrorist organization who died 30 years ago.

    I’m curious why you even asked?

  6. I have nothing but negative feelings about him. His name was never mentioned without contempt in any circles I was in here in NYC. He was a dangerous extremist, an enemy of human rights and democracy. I do feel bad for his family that he was killed, but he sowed the seeds of too much hate to be respected.

  7. Having just looked him up…

    I can sympathize with his cause but he used violence and terrorism to achieve goals, which is inexcusable

  8. Had to Google him. Didn’t review in detail but what I read from his Wikipedia article disgusts me. Theocracies tend not to go well and he wanted to limit the rights of non-Jewish people dwelling in Israel. Also, bombing attempts are bad in general. I don’t care what your cause is, bombing civilian structures puts you in the wrong.

  9. Americans who follow the news can usually name off a few Israeli politicians, particularly if they are or have been the PM.

    But most of us don’t follow Isreali politics or political history closely enough to know anything about this guy. His name did not ring a bell for me, but I have heard of his political party, although I know nothing about it other than being associated with the far right.

  10. I remember him, and remember when he was assassinated. The latter didn’t surprise me.

    He was an asshole.

  11. As a Jew and as somebody married to an Israeli, I have no idea who the heck he is

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