Hi all.

Hope you’re all well.

Last Saturday I was a victim of hate crime and the perpetrator was my next door neighbour. I have given her my piece of mind and reported to the police however I don’t feel like this is enough or much will be done about it.
Moving away is not an option.

Is there anywhere else to report such behaviour?

Update: thank you all for your advice. The police have been in touch and will be sending one of their officers at some point today. I am not expecting her to be locked up or anything like that but educated about the importance of the whole ‘live and let live’ rule.

I forgot to mention that there were also threats of violence towards us.

Again thank you all x

  1. You’ve already reported it to the police, I don’t think there’s much else you can do unfortunately

  2. Maybe you just smash her windows and report it to god or satan at whichever gate you arrive at.

  3. Anti-Social Behaviour team of your local council, they are not just for thr residents of social housing.

  4. Report it to council. I’m sure there’s another you can report to as well not sure though.

  5. Report it to the police, ask for the case officers name and a case number and ask when can action reasonably expected to be taken? Log every communication you have with the Police and don’t let them try and fob you off. If there is sufficient evidence then the CPS will look to charge that individual.

    A visit from the police to your neighbour might just be what is needed, to educate them on what they said being illegal and awful and to frighten them, get them to see that their behaviour is unacceptable. Who knows you might even get an apology and can start to think about a normalisation of relations between you and your neighbour.

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