Pretty much the title, I (f) have kinda patchy skin (not too bad but it’s a little noticeable) around my butt and hips from growth and I guess from not being tanned as much as other areas. I’m hoping guys wouldn’t mind this but I can imagine it would be a bit of a turn off. Am I right or do guys not even notice?

  1. No one is going to be concerned by this EVER except for you. 99% of people have color variations on them.

    You probably never even noticed on your friends.

  2. This is what you might be thinking is going through a man’s mind when you undress in front of him: “Hmm, I’m detecting some asymmetrical coloring in certain areas. I would estimate that this differential coloring is about a 2% difference from uniformity. I will have to think intently about how affects my view of continuing this encounter.”

    This is what is actually going through his mind: “Naked women. I’m gonna get laid.”

    Don’t overthink it. In fact, don’t think about it at all. He isn’t.

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