Whenever i watch an American show or movie they often have chips on their plate whenever there’s a dinner scene, is this normal? I’m not judging i guess it’s no different than having fries but it still seems kinda odd to me

  1. With lunch sometimes, if it’s a cookout/picnic or fast food type meal, rarely dinner.

  2. No. They go with a sandwich lunch or something like it, but rarely dinner.

    Its more something you eat either by yourself or with others as a snack. Not as part of a dinner.

    I wouldn’t think it was crazy or something, but no. Honestly somebody munching on chips at the dinner table would make me cringe, but I hate loud chewing.

  3. Only with a sandwich if I’m home and don’t feel like making fries. Had some Lay’s potato chips last night with homemade sloppy joe.

  4. Only if I’m having like a sandwich.

    I can’t recall off the top of my head seeing this in tv or movies. Maybe you can list some for us.

  5. No, and this is a case where I’d be interested to know how often you’re really seeing this, since I feel like I’d really notice if a scene had characters eating chips with dinner because it’d be so odd to me. Chips with lunch, like with a sandwich, sure, but not dinner.

  6. Usually not with dinner unless it is something you’d usually eat with chips like a sandwich or something like that. It depends on the family. Some are more strict on what they have, while some like mine really didn’t care unless they had already cooked something for us.

  7. Depends on what thrr dinner is.

    If I’m having a sandwich, or a burger, or hot dogs, then yea I may have chips.

    If I’m having a steak or grilled chicken, then no.

  8. Potato chips are more of a lunch thing because they are more informal, eaten with the hands, and prepared outside the home. With dinner we would have baked, roasted, mashed potatoes etc. Though the current dietary ideology is fewer carbs so I would say we’re eating fewer potatoes overall and a lot of people skip them, just have the meat and vegetable.

  9. 1) What shows and movies?

    2) No, obviously, I don’t eat every dinner with potato chips. (Like, last night I had stir-fry. Bad combination.)

    3) If I had to make my guess, it’s something really easy to replace between takes if need be.

  10. No. Lunch maybe, with a sandwich, but not dinner. Seems kinda weird.

  11. Depends on what’s for dinner.

    I’ll have them with a BLT or a hot dog or something like that.

    I’m not having them with a steak.

  12. Maybe at a summer bbq/picnic type of thing, but it’s not an everyday thing.

  13. Chips (like FF) are kind of specific to what you are eating. Burgers- yes. Meatloaf, roast chicken, fish…nope.

  14. No, only if I’m eating at a place where the chips are the included side. Never at home.

  15. Maaaaaaybe once a week I’ll air-fry chips or tater tot’s on the side.

    90% because I have twin 28 month olds and it makes for super happy kiddos, 10% because I’m making a burger, cheesesteak or sausage sandwich.

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