I get served a lot of tiktoks of him being very confused or losing his train of thought. I never see these reported in traditional media that I trust: NYT, CNN etc. are these videos real?

  1. I don’t do TikTok, so I haven’t seen them. But yeah, probably. You talk as much into a microphone as a President does and you’re bound to talk some gibberish at some point. Biden is an old man, so that improves his chances of it happening.

    Edit: Just remembered that he also has had to overcome a stutter, so that can’t help his case either.

  2. Probably. It may come as a surprise, but people in their 80s typically show signs of advanced aging.

  3. Yes, he’s old as fuck and has been known before he was president for being fucking weird and stumbling over words.

    That all said, he talks a ton in public and most people who talk that much on record will have clips that make them look stupid.

  4. Yeah, they’re real. CNN and the NYT are heavilly biased. You probably won’t find much bad about Biden on there. Especially now since he is officially running for reelection.

  5. Yeah, and they do pop up on mainstream media, they’re just rarely played twice (unless you’re watching Fox News). He’s an old man, wayy past his prime mentally and physically. I’m not sure why people fine it hard to believe.

  6. I don’t think the mainstream media edits his verbal stumbles and gaffes out, but if it gets played it will get played in the context of him actually delivering a speech. When you hear a minute or so of him speaking, a few seconds of stumbling isn’t as noticeable.

    When you’ve got those viral clips, they only show the few seconds of verbal stumbling often in a loop or as part of a supercut of several stumbles edited together. Some of those viral videos of Biden and others have had their speed manipulated a bit to make speech seem more slurred that it actually was.

  7. you should know that those media outlets are left leaning so ofc they won’t cover it. And yeah he’s old (way old) so it’s expectable tbh

  8. President Biden is elderly, he has always been a bad public speaker, and he is now speaking in public a lot. The combination makes for a bit of a spectacle sometimes. It’s hard to extrapolate a whole lot from that, though: it’s pretty common for people as they age to become weaker in those skills, even while still being mentally sharp.

    You should see some of the judges that sit on the bench in courthouses all across America. Hearing them stumble over their words, lose train of thought, or say something incoherent isn’t unusual. But they’re often still quite competent at their job and have a great legal mind still.

    Aging is weird, especially on people who aren’t exactly known for being the model of coherence and verbal flourish to begin with

  9. He has been known for gaffs since at least the 80s. But they have definitely increased in frequency since his Presidency.

  10. Yes. You likely wont see it on mainstream media because it makes Joe look bad. If you can find the uncut version of a speech, you should be able to find the same segments used in the videos you are finding but in context.

  11. Yeah, he’s an old dude, had a stutter that still manifests as stutters or pauses now and then and was known to be a bit weird speaking even early in his career and now he’s old as dirt.

    It’s not as bad as the online compilations would make it seem, he’s in front of a mic A LOT, but it’s definitely a thing.

    Biden wasn’t elected because of his awesome policies, fantastic public speaking skills or youthful energy. He got in by dint of being the least likely democrat in the primary to alienate large blocks of voters and then being the “not trump” option on the final ballot.

  12. I don’t use TikTok, but they’re real. Biden is 81 years old and he spends a lot of time in front of a microphone, so yeah, it’s pretty often for him to start slurring, stuttering, or lose his train of thought. It isn’t as bad as you might think, but it’s expected he’d mess up a bit at that age.

  13. Once people start getting up there in age, many start showing signs of cognitive decline. Biden isn’t exempt from this and he honestly is starting to remind me of how Reagan was in his first term and Reagan had full blown Alzheimers by second term. I don’t think Biden is there yet, but he’s certainly showing signs.

    And this is precisely why we need to quit electing old politicians. You don’t need someone in their 40s, but someone in their 50s or 60s would be much better than in their 70s or 80s.

  14. Yes, they’re real. Did you think they were deep fakes? No he has gotten confused and/or babble gibberish several times in the last few years. His family needs to tell him it’s time to retire.

  15. Difficulty with public speech does not draw a straight line to confusion or dementia like some people want it to.

  16. The clips might be real, but the message is absolutely false. He is an old man with a stutter – which means he shifts his words mid-sentence to avoid stuttering. He has never been an eloquent speaker and has a very long history of using weird, obscure, old-timey phrases, some of which reflect a certain Irish American upbringing. So it’s really not hard to make him look like he’s too confused for the job. Whether you agree with him or not, he has been very successful at accomplishing his goals in office and clearly knows how to operate the machinery of government. Watch his full state of the union to congress from this January and tell me if he is a doddering old man.

  17. Honest to God, put me in front of a camera 24/7/365 and I guarantee you a selective cut of the footage would make me look like I’m suffering from premature dementia.

    So I take things like this with a grain of salt.

    That said, Biden is one of the oldest Presidents we ever had, and he was never that great a public speaker to begin with. Worse, as President you get whisked all over the world giving speeches and meeting with people: in a way, you’re the shiny new penny the US has to show off to everyone. In that environment I’d be hard pressed not to periodically stop, look around, and seriously wonder where the hell I was.

  18. There are clear signs of cognitive decline, from the speech issues to the way he moves. Everyone who speaks in public makes mistakes from time to time, but this isn’t just the occasional stutter or gaffe.

    At this point, I’m not sure he’s actually in control of what’s going on in the White House. I suspect he is more of a puppet — an aging, confused puppet who is being used by people who want to hold on to power through him. It’s elder abuse.

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