I finally went into the “talking stage” after being rejected every single time in the last 2.5 years since my exgf dumped me.

We were flirting, having fun conversations, playing it cool from both sides, I suggested meeting in person but she told me she is seeing someone.

I don’t care about the rejection, I have developed a thick skin (check my other posts, I have met multiple girls in the last 2.5+, got multiple phone numbers and always rejected).

But I am wondering now, who the f**k is dating every single girl while I have been 2.5 years without going on a date? Do I deserve this?

Do single women exist? I mean truly single women not seeing anyone?

I wanted to go at least on a date with this girl to get some moment but I can’t even land a date!

I don’t think I am SO ugly to not being able to find a girl to go on a date? If you don’t develope a warrior personality this shit can tore you down. All the self esteem below zero. How can you build any realtionship if you never experienced any positive feedback? It’s impossible! Chances to screw it up are huge, acceptance sings will be interpreted as rejection signs if you only experienced rejection.

Most of the time I don’t care and I am starting to enjoy the loneliness, but the whole dating world is screwed and this is so sad.

  1. Get off the dating apps. Recognize the bad attitudes and bad patterns and simply tell them no. Walking away is the most powerful thing a man can do.

  2. So why not just start with a date and skip the talking phase? First match with them, set up a video or phone call, explain what you’re dating goals are over said call. Finally, during that same call, ask them out on a date that they feel safe at (public, daytime, nice area, etc). If they’re too busy or have no time, move on.

  3. Just keep in touch with more single women and spend more time paying attention to their emotions and lives. You will definitely meet some good partners. The most important thing is that if you are rejected during this process, don’t feel discouraged, you should know that it’s not a big deal.

  4. I feel like we need more info to help you.

    First of all, describe yourself, and then describe the girls you’re going after. There is obviously some disconnect happening where the girl saw herself as “better” than you. Let’s get to the bottom of why.

    Second, your username…come on. Why would any girl want to be with someone who hates themselves?

    Also, your friends and your weekend activities. Do you have friends? Do you go out to bars and try to meet girls? For our age, that’s literally the top place to meet people IRL. Most people are going out to have fun and meet someone to date.

    Your weekends should be full and fun of friend activities, not you sitting around while “other guys” spend time with their gfs.

    If you aren’t having luck on dating apps, let’s find out why. Post pics/answers.

    Next, why did your ex break up with you, and why after dating her for ten years had you not proposed?

    Lots of open questions. I want to help you figure out!

  5. If everybody’s rejecting you, it might have something to do with your approach or personality? Be helpful to see how u text

  6. Have you asked people who know you why you keep getting rejected? They may have some insight.

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