he is extroverted, i am introverted. i get along with him, but i do not like him, so talking and listening to his stories is exhausting for me. i do not want to know what he did on his weekend, and i do not want to tell him what i did on mine. am i just an asshole?

  1. Put some headphones in.

    It’s maybe a bit OTT to find someone’s stories “exhausting”. There’s nothing expected of you, and you can always bail out by saying – sorry, I really need to crack with this piece of work.

  2. I always find a way to get away from a person like that,I know I’m a good listener but that doesn’t mean I exist so people can ramble on and on.

  3. when he starts to talk, pretend to get distracted by your phone or by an email or anything else and say to him something like “sorry I have to deal with this now, see you later”

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