I’ve been dating this girl for about five months now, and things have been good. However we go through periods where she gets very distant and cold. This in turn makes me anxious, but everytime I tried communicating with her she doesn’t reciprocate back. She makes it harder and harder to communicate until I get to a boiling point where I stop trusting her, get paranoid, and almost want to break up or try to like this most recent time, and then she all of the sudden gets better for a time until it doesn’t anymore. She disrespects me in front of her friends and my friends granted I do it too only because she does. She rarely invites me places with her. I’ve mentioned how I don’t appreciate how she gives my friends the eyes in front of me and acts a little flirty no touching but being over friendly and getting close. I’ve mentioned how don’t appreciate it but it only made things worse. When I tried breaking up she cried for days saying how she would be better, but at this point I don’t believe it.

TLDR I don’t appreciate the disrespect from my girlfriend(putting down, slight flirts, and etc.), lack of communication etc. because of that I tried breaking up and she wants another chance to I give it to her?

  1. Talk to her about it and explain your boundaries. If she can’t respect them, it’s probably best to end things…

  2. Sounds like you’ve given her multiple chances and she still ends up treating you poorly, i think it’s time to let her go

  3. It’s been 5 months. Why are you accepting this? You do realize you’re supposed to be vetting the people you date. If they do stuff you don’t like, you’re supposed to leave them. That’s what dating is.

  4. Sounds like a Headache. Just straight up end it and don’t look back. Her tears are fake

  5. > When I tried breaking up she cried for days saying how she would be better, but at this point I don’t believe it.

    What does that even mean? Did you restate ‘I am breaking up with you’ or did you take it back and agree to try again?

    If you have no faith in her to improve the situation, then… End it. Again. Breaking up isn’t a committee meeting where a majority verdict has to be agreed upon. If you decide you’re done, that makes you done.

  6. Fucking run
    Toxic as can be. Do yourself a solid and leave now. That will never change. Run dude

  7. You two have barely been together at all yet, and you have a ton of huge problems. You clearly should not be together. Yes, by all means give up on her.

    On a side note, when she said she would be better, what changes did she say she would make, how did she say she would go about ensuring she would make them, and if she feels those changes will be helpful, what reason did she give for not trying to implement those changes earlier?

  8. It’s only been 5 months and she’s 19. Of course she was not going to be all that mature. Why are you putting up with this?

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