For Dads who divorced after kids grew up at college level or beyond. Was it worth enduring the pain till that moment or you think doing it much earlier would be nice for kids. My kids, 5&1… I am planning to endure abuse by doing minimal interaction with wife till they grow up. I don’t trust her with them…and cannot imagine them going through custody process. Plz give me genuine response only.

  1. Not sure what you mean specifically by not trusting her with them. My mom was a great mom, so that’s different, but my parents divorced when I was very young, and it was the preferable way to grow up to having them divorce when I was older or live together in an unhappy marriage.

  2. The longer you wait the more expensive it’s going to be. Also your kids are young enough that they won’t even remember the divorce.

  3. The best thing my parents ever did for me was get divorced.

    Your relationship shows your kids what love and marriage should look like. If you are unhappy or one of you is treating the other badly, it teaches them that that is acceptable. If the relationship you have is not one you’d want your kids to be in, you need to leave. Find someone who makes you happy and model what a healthy, happy relationship looks like, and find a way to co-parent peacefully with their mother and show them that your love for them is stronger than your hatred for her.

    In addition, you only get one life. Don’t waste the next 17 years married to someone you don’t love. You deserve to be happy too.

  4. Had an unintended kid in my twenties with a woman who is just nuts. Breaking it off was a no brainer but my daughter sees the value in that choice now. The sooner you rip the band aid off; the closer you are to a better situation for you and your kids

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