The AC is frigid and there’s not much that can be done to conceal that it’s cold in here….I want to be professional at work and leave my exhibitionism behind in my private life.

  1. Yes I notice. Honestly, I think “is it that cold in here?’ before checking my nipples. Humans have nipples, nipples get cold, nothing really too unprofessional about it.

  2. Yes we notice them and we think “Sweet, nipples” then we move on with our day. It’s not a big deal and it’s not unprofessional it’s just a fact of life.

  3. I like nipples. I would probably notice and it would excite me. However, I wouldn’t be a creep about it and would also know that it’s natural. I would get used to it quickly and I wouldn’t comment.

    I think you know that unfortunately how respectful men are varies quite a bit.

  4. After some research on your profile, yes we notice. Yes it’s awesome. Some guys will be assholes or creeps, but that’s because they are assholes/creeps and nothing wrong with you.

  5. Yes, we notice. Personally, I try to not be a creep about it. I also can’t help myself from channeling Clark Griswold and thinking that it must be a bit nipply in here.

  6. Yes but anyone with any amount of social aptitude isn’t going to say “woo! boobies!” or anything. Maybe you can convince them to turn the temp up a bit if it’s so cold

  7. It’s impossible not to notice, but we then move on with our day. Not much you can do about it. Maybe there’s some kind of pad or something you can put in a bra? Obvious nipple piercings would also get my attention, but again, not much to do about it, so I just move on with my day.

  8. Idk why if you’re self conscious about them you can’t cover up more or deal with it or something. Guys like nipples lol we are gonna look more than once

  9. When in the warehouse you could wear a high vis vest over your clothes. Safety First!

  10. Yes.

    **Don’t stare don’t stare…glance….look up look up quick damnit…ok eyes forward**

  11. I absolutely notice it, but it’s a quick “oh, nice” sort of thing then I move on.

  12. As long as you wear a bra it shouldnt be an issue unless you got Jennifer Anniston levels of pokeyness going on. If you choose to not wear a bra, thats ok too but you should be okay with the girls on full attention and that getting noticed. If it doesn’t bother you then you should be fine.

  13. >**Do men notice nipples**



    > **and what do you think when you do?**

    *”Yep, that’s a thing that happens sometimes…”*

    If we’re in a frigid warehouse at work, then I am also cold, my own nipples are probably a bit hard/sensitive (and my dangling unmentionables a bit “shrink-frozen”) so I’m probably thinking more about reaching a warmer, more comfortable state than anything related to your nipples.

  14. My wife sometimes volunteers to teach Sunday school. At a church we used to go to they also had an older male gentleman/longtime church member helping. He’s a portly fellow and one day was wearing a polo shirt that was a bit tight. One of the kids, too young to understand what’s socially acceptable, walked up and honked HIS nipples.

  15. How cold is this place? I worked in warehouse freezer and refrigerator before. In the freezer everyone wore so many layers you would never see nipples. Honestly, people are more worried about making production quotas. You might get hit on during lunch, but in a warehouse, so would a woman without nipples.

  16. Yes, and they might tell another man that you’re smuggling raisins, allegedly. And then they move on with their day.

  17. I usually just assume they’re always semi hard. As a dude, even if it’s warm, mine protrude so I assume it’s the same situation.

  18. Guys have the same issue with their dicks when wearing properly tailored dress pants. The material is often thin wool or polyester that is a lot more revealing than denim. We’ve all got bulges, some more prominent than others. And if they’re tailored correctly, they make our asses look great. We’re all adults here. I catch both genders stealing a glance. It’s normal.

  19. Of course. The headlights are on. The turkey is done.

    My wife uses silicone nip covers to avoid getting stares.

  20. Guys have nipples too, I’ve definitely noticed guys nipples showing when it’s cold out. I avoid looking and otherwise pay it no mind.

    I’m attracted to women and not men, but I also believe that women should be able to wear what is comfortable to them and dress how they want to look, within the same reasonable boundaries that apply to men, and without being seen as less professional or treated with less respect.

    So if I see a woman either not wearing a bra, or wearing one thin enough to show through, I may notice and some part of my brain may register a feeling of attraction, but I am committed to treating her the same as I would any man in that situation, typically by just ignoring it.

  21. Yes we notice.

    99% time we think “hey, nipples !”, and then we think about something else.

    Because it’s not sexy, it’s in a pro environment and we aren’t always on “horny” mode, despite the cliché would like people to think.

  22. Yes, I would notice but I would never comment or make the person feel uncomfortable. You have the right to be treated with dignity in the workplace and I suspect the vast majority of your male colleagues will respect that.

    I would encourage you not to spent time worrying about it, continue to be a contributing member of the team and you’ll be golden.

  23. Yes. Yes, we do. The great thing is that we can look at you and admire you, but, believe it or not, we are also still capable respecting you as a human and treating you with dignity. Dudes are always gonna look and notice, but you still deserve a workplace free from any unwanted comments or actions.

  24. Notice? Yes

    What do I think when I do? Not much, particularly in a work environment.

    I worked where I had to sometimes go into environmentally controlled vaults, which is a fancy way of saying a large room underground that’s kept at a very low temperature to keep electronics cool and vent out any harmful gases. My lead was female and we’d be there to do a final check before turning it over to the customer. Work just isn’t a sexualized environment so even if nipples are making an appearance, it’s meaningless. In that type of work, we all had hard nipples. Being a guy that’s always had generous sweat glands, going down a 40 foot ladder from a hot muggy day down to that, I’m sure mine were more obvious than her’s.

    I also know my beautiful wife has a huge insecurity about her nipples poking out in public. I don’t understand it, and I have never came up with words that help. (Quietly hugging her is the best I’ve got so far, so I’m sticking to it.)

  25. “Well I guess I can see Lauren’s nipples. But mentioning it would probably be considered sexual harrassment. I mean it’s not like spinich in her teeth, it’s her nipples FFS. But would she even want to be notified? I mean, surely she’s aware of it – there are mirrors, and she probably checked herself out and decided that it’s fine. So I guess it’s fine. And I guess it’s fine. I mean it’s not like they are distracting me. Wait, how long have I been thinking about this? I guess I ***was*** distracted! Her nipples distracted me, like, literally! Huh. Is that a problem? I guess if I was driving the forklift or doing something dangerous I shouldn’t be thinking about Lauren’s nipples. I wonder what they feel like. Nonononononono. Think of a song … ‘Johnny used to work on the docks … Union’s been on strike, he’s down on his luck, it’s tough. So tough …..’ Dammit, frickin Lauren and her nipples what the hell, I’m just trying to do my job and she’s parading around on high beam like it’s nothing. Ugh. I miss it being just guys, it was way less fraught.”

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