Graduated with a Master’s last year in engineering, it is really hard to find a graduate level engineering job. Even other entry level jobs like data entry seem to be hard to get into as well. Now I need to start doing something full time to make a living, and my options are only menial jobs like working in warehouses and kitchens. I’m worried if I keep doing this kind of work for too long it will have big impact on my employability in the future. What do you think?

  1. You don’t want to be stuck there long.

    What kind of engineering did you study? Whilst I don’t discredit your efforts, there are certainly options out there.

    If your willing to train, there are people screaming out for Fire Engineer/Consults, especially post-Grenfell and with the level of retrospective going on to make places safe. If you have any experience in construction you’d walk in.

    A masters in engineering is solid so should help, but sell yourself as someone willing to work hard and muck in and it’ll do you a world of good.

  2. You gotta start somewhere. Not everyone can come with 10+ years of industry experience with there degree. They know people need to build experience by getting the opportunity in the first place.

  3. How long have you been applying for grad level jobs? Having a job, any job, is better than having a gap on your CV and you will learn important things regardless (don’t underestimate softer team working & social skills). Are you being invited to interview? If so, what were those experiences like? There are lots of resources out there but you need to target your specific development needs appropriately.

  4. If you need a job you really should try and get an office job. Even temping. Even if you get stuck there for a few years it will least give you options.

    Factory/warehouse/retail will shut down your options if you’re wanting to go to an office career.

    Ring up temp agencies. They want reliable people above all else.

    If you aren’t getting interviews then you need to work on your CV.

  5. Have you tried writing to engineering and oil companies around Aberdeen?

    Many of them employ graduate engineers. Some of them start off as ‘technical clerks’ and then move on as positions open up.

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