I need advice. My bf (31YOWM), approx 200#, 6 ft, is prescribed suboxone (8 mg BID ?) he takes it regularly and was recently prescribed Ritalin as well. He began abusing his Ritalin immediately after prescribed and obviously ran out of medicine before his next script could be filled. He immediately went back to his doc to increase dosage and frequency, doctor did as he requested… The pharmacy he uses was out of stock so he insisted to drive 1.5 hrs to another pharmacy who had it. He was so impatient about getting his meds the entire drive there he was calling them to make sure it was ready, etc. He gets the script and a few days later tells me he is going out to his truck to get his medicine and he took quite a while to do it. He admitted to me that he was snorting it & he ran out of this script 20 mg BID within 10 days of receiving it. He has been saying he has an upset stomach, puking, etc since Thursday & he slept all weekend while I took care of his daughter d/t Ritalin withdraws (which he claimed he was feeling ill – but I knew exactly what kind of ‘ill’ it really was)…………..

He is probably going to continue this cycle next time he gets his medication refilled & I have expressed to him that I think he shouldn’t take it……. but he said earlier he was excited for such and such date and I am positive it is the day he gets his script. I ignored his comment but I don’t know what to do.

1 comment
  1. There’s the pills, and then there’s you.

    I’d suggest you get away from that.


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