How many days you really feel sad in a month? Not related to monthly cycle

  1. Maybe 10-15 days roughly.
    The inflation and energy crisis really took a toll on me.

  2. If we’re talking sad during a whole day, I’d say probably 2 days per month.

    If we’re talking how many days I feel sadness at some point, it’s hard to say but I’d estimate around 20-25

  3. Zero unless I watch a sad movie/show or read a sad book or something like that.

  4. It looks like we all are same. Why no is happy.
    Maybe we all are happy, just not remembering the happy moment, instead we all are stuck on something that’s makes us sad

  5. I dunno, it depends on the month. I’m mentally ill, and prone to unstable mood. Anywhere from like 3 to 30.

  6. 3-5 days of random period of sadness with no reasoning whatsoever, recently I saw a reel on insta saying it’s a belief somewhere that, when a person passes away and there’s nobody grieving, the universe assigns it to somebody else.

    So I think about this during that phase

    ( There’s also few days of random happiness and excitement so I’m just weird ig)

  7. 2-3? I have maybe 2-3 really busy and bad work days. And those are really the days when I feel sad because I’m tired. And even then, I feel better once I go home and rest.

    I’m generally an even tempered person.

  8. I’m usually neutral or happy. If I do feel sad it usually isn’t for a whole day, either.

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