I(28M) and my gf(29F) are almost 7 months toghter.
We have amazing sex life, sometime she fondles my balls which I enjoy, it’s relaxing for both us.
1 month ago we wrestled for fun and then she grabbed my balls, she didn’t squeeze, she didn’t inflict pain on me, but she owned my manhood, I was shocked.
She smiled and said: “Now you are mine, now say you are mine”.
I couldn’t say anything, she saw how scared I was and kissed me. She released me, gave me water and told me she is going to do it more.
And beside fondling she grabs them from time, sometimes squeeze lightly until I say she is the boss.
I like being sub in bed, I like being fondled and I have always been intersted in soft CBT, but this felt different.
Ever since I am waiting for her grab be but I’m terrified of her power, I feel weaker, dominated and excited at the same time.
When I asked about grabbing she said: “Your balls are amazing, they let me pleasure and control you, enjoy it”
How is it possible?
Why do I want to risk myself?
Are men weaker?

I’m so confused

  1. This may be a radical notion but I don’t think being sexually submissive makes a person weak

  2. That’s one of the coolest things I’ve read in awhile and I don’t even really know why. Felt like I was there in the trenches with ya haha.

  3. You are certainly not weaker for enjoying submissive play. One could argue that it takes a much more emotionallymentally courageous person to put that much trust and faith in someone else. That the truly weak people are the ones that never allow themselves to be vulnerable with another person (not just talking physically) out of fear of losing control.

    Maybe settle on a safe word and enjoy your mutually encouraged sex life!

  4. Sounds like you’ve stumbled into a Dominance/submissive dynamic. As others had pointed out, safe words. But I would also look at doing a kink quiz or couple’s sex quiz. Though in your case, she seems to be a natural at controlling the scene and dirty talk. You might have fun if she read it off to you and made you “confess” to the kinks you’d like to try.

    Aftercare is important too. Specially as you two explore more.

  5. Ride the wave brother. If you don’t you could be missing out on some awesome stuff!

  6. Sounds like you fell into subspace. This is a mental mode. I don’t know much about it personally, but I have experienced it. It can be powerful and leave you feeling very vulnerable. I would look further into and make sure you understand what aftercare you may need to prevent any hurt.

  7. It’s possible because it turns you on. It turns you on because you have a bit of a sub kink. You’re risking your prior expectations around your role as a man, and some self-esteem, but that’s the transgression that makes being a sub a kink.

    Men aren’t weaker physically, at the mean. If you like the feeling that you might be weaker than GF, or that liking her topping you makes you “weak” – have fun with it. Talk about aftercare and kink in general outside the bedroom so everyone’s expectations are aligned.

  8. Did she discuss this with you beforehand? I mean, honestly, sounds hot, but any activity like these REQUIRES consent. The way you worded it sounds like she didn’t give you space to decide if you were okay with it.

    I’d say all you need to decide is if this is an area you are willing to consent to and if this is a way in which you are comfortable with her introducing new things.

    If so, the rest doesn’t matter. Whatever works, works.

  9. If you are both having a good time and she isn’t doing it to actually inflict pain in a malicious way, then embrace it man, we all have our kinks, don’t stifle them, sex is supposed to be fun. I enjoy the exact same thing you have described. It’s hot, it’s really turns me on. Don’t beat yourself up for enjoying something, Do it more! See where the road takes you. Have fun!

  10. I was sexually frustrated in my marriage. I’ve since let my inner dom out in my new relationship. It’s been extremely positive. It’s even bled over into me being more assertive at work and therefore more effective as a manager.

    It just is what it is. If it’s safe, sane and consensual you are golden.

  11. I’d love that shit and wish my wife did that to me wow y’all have fun she’s a KEEPER

  12. Sounds like you should have a conversation about consent and boundaries re your balls.

  13. Oho my! every time I watch dom sub content, this is exactly what comes to my mind, at what point it stops being fun and games and takes a serious turn and how people deal with it in nice healthy way?

    Maybe, you can try to express to her how you are feeling and look for reassurance that intention is to not actually inflict pain? Idk how difficult it is to have such an open conversation like that but that’s the best thing to do here ig?

  14. Sure my balls are weak and a woman squeezing them hard will hurt me but I could just as easily swat her hand away as easy as I swat away a fly.

  15. This post made me wanna go grab some balls 😈

    Your dynamic sounds fun and fresh. Let her do her thing as long as you’re enjoying it, nothing to be confused about. It just seems like she found your kryptonite, which is an awesome power to have in a couple

  16. Youre a submissive – youre idea of what being dominanted means is merely one aspect.
    You are who you are, and its possible you may have different versions of submission to other people or you might even be more dominant to some.

    It doesnt mean youre weak, youre just kinky – congrats

  17. Just wait till the day she says go sit the fuck down and play games while i make you a sandwich. *nuts*

  18. Congrats, you have a superb girlfriend. Embrace it, and let her own you! Lucky man

  19. Reality check: When your cock is in her mouth, she has the power to do very bad things to you.

    Enjoy the sensations and the rush.

  20. Mate, you’re adult–you’re anything you want to be. You enjoy your gf making you submit, that’s fucking great! It feels good to be vulnerable sometimes with people you trust. Let her know you like it, she deserves something for the risk she takes in doing so. Most girls I’ve been with have been too sheepish to handle me that way so I’ve never really encountered it before. Enjoy it and share the enjoyment!

  21. I found myself deeply confused after submitting to a particularly “Naughty” sex act (consensual). Going in, I was just curious and fairly sure I’d enjoy it, but I really had no idea since it was a first-time thing.

    I enjoyed it and felt predictable things like excitement and arousal – but the thing that stopped me dead in my tracks was an OVERWHELMING sense of love and care. How can something so outside the norm have this kind of effect?

    After a lot of pondering, it hit me: Kink isn’t anything other than trust. I trusted my partner to A: Hear that I was in to something – B: To have an open conversation about it – C: To perform it. At ANY point in that process there could have been shame or ridicule but there wasn’t because my partner is amazng. She took care of me in a way that literally no other human could have, and it created a very strong bond. After that, kink became acts of love.

    She’s grabbing your balls, sure…..but what’s really happening is she’s trusting you to accept her as a powerful being, and you’re trusting her to keep you safe.

  22. Welcome to the world of being a sub! It’s a beautiful place to explore with a person you trust. Sounds like your gf is a bit naturally dom as well. This will be great for you both, so long as your relationship stays healthy and communicative. IMO neither sex is the weaker sex. We all have our strengths in different areas, and people who are completely decided on which is which, are biased towards which areas are more important.

    If it makes you feel better, in a truly healthy bdsm relationship, the sub is the one with the most power. You are literally giving yourself up, and if that is abused, that is immediately considered abusive.

    Have fun, man!

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