Hello, just wanted to share one of my small pet peeves sitting UK trains (not tube) as an international. I’ve noticed a common practice on the train that would be considered inappropriate in my country. During busy hours when the train is packed, I’ve noticed many passengers putting their bags and belongings on the seat beside them instead of under their seats/ using the overhead racks. Many standing passengers could be seated but due to a one’s bag being a larger “priority”, many passengers have to end up standing. I wonder if this is considered the norm here?

EDIT: cheers for the response people. I’ve found it really intimidating to ask someone to move their bags as someone that isn’t local and also a rather weird experience previously. I saw a lady asking another passenger to give up her seat as she was sitting in her seat she has reserved it. The passenger yelled at her and said she isn’t giving up the seat as she is disabled. Although irrelevant, I have developed a fear of talking to people in the train from this.
Also, in my country, people usually get their photo taken of for such behaviour and posted on social media. Yeah I know it’s abit f up 😂

  1. The ‘norm’ maybe, but if you want a seat all you have to do is ask someone to move their bag.

    I’m sure over the years of hiking I’ve had a bag on a seat and not realised the train has filled up around me.

  2. It’s the norm but if you ask them a lot would then move it

    Most People don’t want to ask though

  3. It’s the norm. Unfortunately Britain is getting more and more selfish dickheads in recent years.

  4. Say “is anyone sitting here?”, but ask it in a tone which makes it clear if they don’t shift the bag you will.

  5. Sadly people are inherently not particularly self aware when they travel here. There’s a similar issue over using priority seats (or really any seat) and not offering them up when someone hobbles on the train on crutches or the like.

    I just politely ask them if their bag needs a seat and they mumble something and move it.

  6. There are 3 main scenarios –

    Just a deterrent, hoping people will pick other seats first, but will generally move the bag if asked.

    Unaware of surroundings. Got on when train was empty, have been immersed in their phone since. Again will generally move the bag on request.

    Arsehole. Deliberately blocking seat. Will only move bag if absolutely necessary. If at all.

    Just ask the person to move their stuff, you’ll usually find it’s one of the first two reasons.

  7. They’re relying on others being too shy to ask them to move the bag, but I’ve found if you politely ask if you can sit there they always move it.

  8. People will more often than not move their bags if asked. If they refuse, just sit on their bag.

  9. Half the time it’s because the luggage racks and toilets are full of bags. Especially trains that service an airport.

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