So there’s this girl in class I’ve been interested in. I’ve managed to talk to her (i sit in front of her so it’s pretty easy), we’re even in the same group for the project we gotta do for the class, so i talk to her a lot during class. We’ve talked 1 on 1 in class about things not related to class but obviously in class you can’t do much. But I’ve noticed her body language, the way she looks at me, is different from the way she does it to my other male classmate in the group. (Example, when i was gonna explain my idea for the project I intentionally leaned towards her and she did the same thing, i noticed my other classmate tried that move and she leaned back. When she looks at me her eyes are like more relaxed and she alwys has a slight smile, opposed to when she’s talking to someone else, her eyes are normal and no smile… etc)

The other day, outside of class i saw her and her friend so I approached. Her friend (who’s also in that class) left because her uber arrived so i had an opportunity to talk to her 1 on 1 and the conversation wasn’t forced, we felt comfortable with each other, but she already had an uber on the way so it arrived and she had to leave.

So I’m thinking I don’t wanna beat around the bush too much and i wanna make my intentions clear so I don’t regret not doing anything later. I’m thinking the next time I know she’s on campus, i text her asking if she’s there, and if she answers yes, I’ll tell her to go get ice cream with me (there’s an ice cream shop in campus). That way we have more 1 on 1 time and i get to know her more, and i get a clearer understanding of her feelings towards me. If she says no then I’ll understand she’s not into me. What do you think?

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