
English is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes.

I am an event planner so I can have VERY stressfull moments with 4 hours of sleep /days.

I left for 15 days beginning of June to work on several events.

I DO have time to quick reply but no deep conversation.

I told my best friend this, that I would leave for 15 days and would barely reply. She forgot. So, during the event, told her that again. Still sending me messages like with REAL questions and with real conversations.

Same thing for a colleague who wants to be my friend when I Don’t. She contacted me X times even when I said “I am in a rush , talk later”.

The last day of my first event she called me. Thinking this was about work. Nope. About her stress and life when that was time to feed myself and sleep before going for the next one.

I am a very straight to the point person. People often tell me how much I am so I am working on that. The issue is that if you don’t, people tend to take ALL THE PLACE.

How can I be more clear than “I don’t have time so I won’t reply”?

I am making it short but I had a client on the first event who was into organizing something like not formal to get drunk …you say no 3 times and people still insist.

So, the first one is my best friend, the second one is a “colleague” (work with her company as a freelancer and she brings me some contract), the last one is the client.

You lack of 8382727 and you said no 3 times and explained.

What to do?

  1. Block them on all your apps etc…. It will be awkward at first but she will definitely get the message. Or have a straight up conversation where you say “I’m sorry but I don’t really have any time for friendship right now and need to focus on other things” 🤷🏻‍♂️

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