I have seen that place in a english show and I was blown away by how peaceful it looks. So what is the place in the banner?

I’m someone from a tropical country. It’s usually sunny all the time here lol
Summer is tough.

UK’s weather and the nature looks really green and pretty. I know edinburgh has nice vibes but what are some other underrated places?

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  2. I’d say the Scottish borders and Dumfries and Galloway are under-rated. The Highlands of Scotland & Edinburgh are gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, but they’re known for it. People don’t tend to talk about the south of Scotland as much.

  3. There are parts of the Cotswolds that are not tourist destinations that have amazing views and countryside.
    Try the hills around Stroud and Dursley, or even the outskirts of Cheltenham.

  4. Honestly? Most of the uk has something beautiful to offer. From the hebrides through the Highlands, to Royal Deeside and the west coast. To the lowlands of Scotland and the central belt, in England you have the lake district, the pennines, the dales in Yorkshire, the fens, the wash, Norfolk canals, Suffolk coastline, Devon and Cornwall, Brighton beach and so many beautiful villages. Wales is fantastic, the brecon beacons and snowdonia. And we haven’t even mentioned Ireland yet!

  5. I think, outside of the UK, some of the other cities that aren’t the capitals are underrated. Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Leeds, Newcastle don’t have much of a rep abroad but they’re all brilliant. I’m particularly biased regarding Manchester but they’re all pretty great.

  6. The place in the banner looks like the White Cliffs of Dover.

    As for somewhere lesser-known? Glen Quoich is a good one. It’s tucked away on the south side of the Cairngorms. Fantastically scenic and you could go for days without seeing anyone else there.

  7. they’re perhaps not *entirely* ‘unknown’ but stirling in scotland and the lake district in england are fantastic

  8. South West Wales is a nice place to get stuck into nature, some lovely coastline & beautiful ancient woodlands

  9. The Fens. Sure, by day it’s just boring flat fields in every direction, but at night it’s stars to every horizon. The sunrises and sunsets are often spectacular too.

  10. When I was a kid I drove with my dad a lot from Leeds to Stoke (obviously I don’t include that as a scenic place) – the scenic route between them is absolutely breathtaking, going through moors and reservoirs and hills and shit!

  11. There are loads, for example in my general area we have places like the Cotswolds AONB which is a super well known tourist hotspot while places like the Quantocks or Blackdowns AONBs are hardly known at all in comparison but look pretty much equally scenic

  12. The Peak District – especially some of the smaller Yorkshire villages.

    The whole North East coast, from Scarborough to Northumberland, is absolutely beautiful.

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