I saw a post on r/interestingasfuck where a girl said she can cum only from her nipples after getting them pierced. How effective is this? I’m male so my nipples aren’t very sensitive. Thanks in advance.

  1. If your nipples aren’t already sensitive, I’d imagine getting them pierced wouldn’t do _much_. I’ve met a few dudes who had their nipples pierced who said it increased sensitivity, but they said they already had sensitive nipples before getting them pierced, so. Idk

  2. Maybe. If the person used to have inverted nipples then piercing could make it easier for them to get hard so that the sensitivity could be increased. And do you still get interesting things like this on r/interestingasfuck? All i see are nsfw contents,lol.

  3. In some people, yes. In some people, they damage sensitivity. Is some people, there is no impact.

  4. I didn’t think I had sensitive nipples, then I got one pierced. It made me realise that my non-pierced nipple was fine the way it was. Now I have the best of both worlds.

  5. I pierced my own nipples like 15 years ago and yes the sensitivity is higher and any touch even against my bra feels good! I thought I’d get used to it but nah and tbh I’m completely okay with it 🫠😏😊

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