So, i am a very lonely person. I don’t think I’m absolutely terrible but I’ve never really been on a date and am still a virgin at 32. I feel awful about this and am becoming quite bitter. So, how can I get better at this without feeling like killing myself all the time?

  1. Everyone starts out as a virgin. How I lost my virginity was that I went out to a concert with some friends. Some female friends of friends were there at the concert too and started talking to us. I acted cool and non-caring and made some jokes. One of the girls seemingly found that interesting and later she got a hold of my number from a mutual friend and texted me.

    We went out a couple of times but nothing came off it.

    A few years later, we bumped into each other in another city and she invited me to her hotel and the rest is history.

    Lessons learned?

    1. Get friends
    2. Get out of the house
    3. Go to social events
    4. When you meet a girl you like, try to act a bit cool and disinterested in the beginning, and also crack some jokes.

  2. It happens. Best start is to just begin doing things that are difficult or inconvenient in the moment but will make your tomorrow better. Things that you can be proud of. And I’m there with you bro, just start taking chances and start talking to people. Just make sure they treat you well.

  3. I would definitely recommend mental help from a professional. That aside, you have to put yourself out there and try to have genuine connections with people. Be sure to set firm boundaries. This was something I failed to do and my ex walked all over me. To the point that she would hold blocking me or ending our relationship over my head when I tried to communicate an issue I had in the relationship because she had no respect or concern for my feelings or time.

  4. OP if it’s a big issue for you and you’re contemplating those thoughts you should maybe just save some money and get an escort to get that issue sorted out then once it’s out of your system you can focus on improving your life and getting hobbies meeting women (should be easier because you don’t feel like a social reject anymore) Note I’m not calling you that I’m saying that it will make you stop feeling like that.

    It’s a tough boat to be in my guy if you wanna talk I’ll be here for you, you can dm if you need to chat.

  5. I would say step one is to work on your mental health, and then step two is to work on the social aspect and how you interact with people so that they feel comfortable getting to know you, and step three is working on your looks so that they want to have sex with you

  6. Hate me for saying this but stop smoking weed and pick up group hobbies. My life has gotten significantly better in the past 3 years since I’ve stopped smoking and even better in the past 4 months since I started Latin dancing. I never danced before this and just within a month of starting my confidence peaked almost more than ever in my life.

  7. To find a relationship, like with anything, you need to improve yourself. Think of a weakness you have and try to improve it until it becomes average/above-average, then think of another weakness and do the same. And then, after awhile, your SO will “appear”.

  8. You confuse sex with relationships. Get sex for money, pronto – delaying makes it only worse for you. As for relationship – you’d find it tiring and bothersome at your age, especially if its the first one.

    You want family, kids, someone precious? – surrogate children. Also courtesy of money (around $80-150k on average). Best investment and money spent in the world, period.

  9. With all due respect, you have to change you. It’s going to be uncomfortable, confusing and irritating and you’re going to make A LOT of mistakes. You’ve got to get out of your house. You’ve got to try new things. You’ve got to push yourself to do things you’ve never done.

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