Are you okay I heard the situation right now is really bad

  1. It is a bit hotter than normal and storming most nights but it is not a bad situation at all here in central Texas. I hear the storms took some power out in East Texas but that is not wide spread.

  2. It’s been bad. It’s been in the high 90s with heat indices in the 120s all week. Thankfully, it’s not terrible currently at 83° air temp and 92 HI. A/C is something we all have because living down here without is basically impossible. It’s a bit early, this is more July and August weather typically but we’re used to extreme heat waves. Just working on trying to stay cool and hydrated and staying inside as much as I realistically can. It’s not the heat that gets you, it’s the humidity causing you to not be able to sweat it off.

  3. The humidity is far higher than normal for this time of year, so the heat index is out of sight. On the bright side, it hasn’t been as hot as they’d been forecasting, and we even just got a nice storm cell that blotted out the sun and dropped the temp about 20 degrees for a while. But it’s just Texas summer, maybe a little early.

  4. Local governments in my area have been setting up cooling stations, and while I’m not in the panhandle I am more towards the north of the state, so I can only imagine how bad it’s getting further south.

  5. I don’t see how this place will be inhabitable in 30 years.

    But in general I’m doing ok. I’m pretty acclimated to heat (it gets really hot and humid in Nashville in the summer, not as bad as here but I’m used to it)

  6. It’s been pretty bad here on the Gulf Coast. Like I walk out of my house to go to work at 4:30am and by the time I get in my car I’m already sweating. 85⁰ and the sun isn’t up yet

  7. I remember back in 2011 or so when I’m pretty sure we had 100 straight days of 100+ temps. It sucks, but you just stay inside and kind of get used to it.

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