TL:DR: Mystery solved as to why bf suddenly wants to breakup in the middle of my trip. Emotionally cheated for 3 days with his colleague and willing to give up our 2.5 years of relationship for her.

Went for a 5D4N trip to Bali with my family and my bf (33M) suddenly ask for a breakup in between my trip. We do have our issues for the past few months and I thought we were fine and became closer and stronger. You can imagine how I felt for the rest of my trip fuck the asshole. When I came back he was so cold and repulsive towards me. The normally loving boyfriend suddenly didn’t want to touch me at all. His reasons for breaking up is because he wants to focus on his work and I’m causing him not to be able to focus on his work when we have so many issues. He was so persistent in breaking up and kept saying sorry.

I accepted it. We are staying together. I’ll move out. He went to sleep. I went to snoop on his phone. Nothing much. Until I saw a photo of his screenshot of alarm and FaceTiming his female colleague on Monday 6.54am. He’s normally sound asleep at this hour. And he set his alarms early to go meet her before work. All other records were cleanly wiped out. Save for this photo his mistake for not covering his tracks properly. Now mystery solved. At least I know whatever reasons he gave were lies to cover up him falling in love with a smoker single mum.

I woke him up and of cos he denied. But I showed him evidence and he kept quiet. This colleague was the one I had issues with 2 months ago because they were texting a lot as she had personal problems and he was just concerned with his staff. Then we had a long talk and he said he talked to her 4-5 hours every night when I’m not around. And he’s interested in pursuing a relationship with her. They are both breaking up with their own respective partners to be together.

Honestly I putting on a brave front acting like it’s his loss and I’m ok with it. All the best in his relationship with her. But I feel like shit. He said if I did not go for the trip it will not happen. I don’t know if the trip is a blessing in disguise to show me what kind of person he is. He has totally build a wall towards me now. It’s like if he touches me now he’s cheating on her. I don’t know how to feel about this whole issue. I’m really shocked how a loving relationship of 2.5 years will be gone in a matter of 3 days.

  1. It has only been three days FOR YOU

    he’s been building this relationship with his coworker for months.
    You leaving town is just his EXCUSE for why this happened, so he wouldnt have to take the blame. It would have happened whether you left or not.

    I’m sorry this happened but your job now is to grieve the relationship and go live a better life without him.

  2. *He said if I did not go for the trip it will not happen*

    Bullshyte! I call bullshyte, Op. Lol.

    Dude has been, at the very least, emotionally cheating on you.

    He’s been a chit with you and he knows it but doesn’t want to take responsibility AND have people KNOW he’s full of shyte so~~~IT’S YOUR FAULT!!

    If YOU hadn’t gone on the trip, he wouldn’t have cheated on you with a married woman! YOU! Lol.

    Let him go and good riddance to bad rubbish.

    Now, leave and take good care of yourself. Take time to grieve, lots of hot baths, time to yourself, mani/pedi, massages…heal.


    You square your shoulders, lift your chin and go out and grab the world by the tail!

    You will start a new, wonderful adventure and make a way cool life. Bet.

    Hugs and the best of wishes, Op.

    (Psst? You CAN do this.)

  3. Break up. It’s not like he’s going to stop. That or accept that he likes other women. Maybe an open relationship

  4. It’s like they say “you lose them how you got them.” Their both cheaters and it won’t last. If it wasn’t her, it would be someone else. Know what else they say? The best revenge is to live well. Cast them from your heart and mind and have a blessed life.

  5. He is so full of it claiming it wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t go on vacation. This dude has literally been fucking around with her for months. Just be glad you no longer will be wasting your time on this cheating POS

  6. Just so you know – it will all hit him like a hammer to
    The head soon. He will all of a sudden be like “oh shit – what have I done!”

    He just needs to get out of the fog he’s in right now. The affair fog makes people blind and dumb

  7. Good riddance to bad rubbish. He’s just a liar and a player. Fake it until you make it. Don’t let him see you cry. You’ll be better off

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