I am a 24 year old gay man from the USA and have visited Europe several times. I never had a problem besides the one time I kissed an Irish guy outside a club in Split, Croatia and the Croatian locals threatened us (I was 19).

Politics have seemed to be very centered on LGBT in America lately because of pride month and as someone who isn’t very political but curious, what’s going on in your country with LGBT stuff?

  1. Gay man from Eastern Europe here! We always have marches “for family” whenever pride parades are going on and my country had a referendum about defining marriage as strictly the union between men and women. Fortunately that didn’t pass because the turn around was low.Also there is one political party who is building its campaign on nationalism and anti-LGBT.

    I did came out to friends that seemed to be homophobes and their views changed after they learned they’ve been friends with a gay guy for ages lol. My parents aren’t happy about me being gay though.

  2. Well, this year there were problems after the pride parade in Ljubljana. A few people were yelled at, some rainbow flags were burnt.

    But generally from what I heard things are better for LGBT people here than in other slavic countries. Still, you might have problems in rural parts of the more traditionally right-wing regions.

  3. Personally I think that a person’s religious, sexual and political tastes, at least those, should be something that is proudly part of the personal sphere and the possibility of enjoying one’s privacy, as an inalienable RIGHT.
    Not something to be used as a tool for manipulating society.
    So personally if a person likes men, women, dinosaurs I DO NOT CARE. I will, however, treat you with the same respect that my upbringing taught me.
    But I still think that there should be some really personal things, and that it’s nice that there are personal things that you don’t HAVE to share or explain to the whole world.

    I find that demonstrations like Pride are the same “offense” for those who exercise this principle.
    I think that making everything spectacular, it can in a certain sense change the perception in a positive way, but turning it into a “political movement” something about privacy, love, and things of the lowest sphere is still a huge disrespect towards this kind of feelings.
    They belittle and often ridicule homosexuality itself, which in practice should not exist as a “label” or identification of a person. A person is a person, he must be respected, and his sexual and religious choices should be RESPECTED with the delicacy of privacy.

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