Me and my gf were both playing a game and she was shit talking someone on the other team. It was super trivial really but she then told him he was a cu\*k and then she joked that she’d get him pregnant so he’d have to pay child support when he replied. She was then saying he had a small dick and she couldn’t feel it when he fucked her.

Idk she was clearly shit talking him/just tryna annoy him so it wasn’t really anything outside of that but it does make me kinda upset and weirded out idk why. Maybe I’m just being too insecure? Id like some advice as to whether I’m justified to feel this way

  1. I’d say in the least that it was inappropriate. Tell her that comment has effectively weirded you out and see what she has to say about it.

  2. honestly it was a weird thing of her to say- to be THAT vivid with the comment. however, me and my bf joke around and say “ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?“ and other things. you just need to draw the line and tell her she took that way too far. if she is unable to respect that, leave her. what you want is completely reasonable.

  3. She was shit talking. She was just trying to get under his skin. It wasn’t as if she was saying she wanted too or would enjoy it. So, I would say your being a little insecure. But, I would just talk to her and tell her you really don’t like her talkin about drilling other dudes in the game. It makes you uncomfortable.

  4. She seems really immature for a 22 year old. I would be turned off by anyone talking like that.

  5. Was drinking involved? Cuz I feel like drinking was probably involved for a woman to tell a man she’d get him pregnant. Though not 100%.

    The couldn’t feel his dick is a little much, but not surprising for a young woman not quite knowing what to do but trying to fit in with a bunch of guys playing games.

  6. I’d tell you in all honesty, gamers shit talk like they’ve been raised in the depths of hell by Satan himself. Hell Satan could learn a thing or two from their tongues. So it’s inappropriate sure, but it means nothing and it’s an integral part of gaming culture. It’s toxic and horrendous, but people’s gaming personas usually have no connection with them irl.

  7. First off who talks like that, it’s kind of trashy and not in a funny way. I wouldn’t be threatened by it, but I would be embarrassed by her.

  8. You’re not wrong to be made uncomfortable hearing someone you care about be so sexually degrading to someone else. That is 100% a reasonable boundary to have. If she wants to shit talk, she should talk about the actual game and his actual skills.

  9. If you feel wierd about it talk it out with your gf, it’s part of the relationship. It is a bit out there but imo (for me atleast) but not a red flag… more a bit tacky or inappropriate

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