Everyone is different in their opinions on age gaps when dating. This is not onenof those OMG Paedo type of situations. I (36M) have never given it much though as until recently it wasn’t something I needed to think about at all. However on a dating app I have been messaged by some girls who are considerably younger than me 18 being the youngest. I haven’t communicated with them. As much as it would probably be an interesting experience and probably damn good fun. I would feel rather uncomfortable with it.

What would you feel comfortable with as an age gap during dating? I (36M) would really want to date in the 28-45 age range.

  1. Isnt the default formula for “appropiate age gaps”; man’s age / 2 +7?

    So in your case; 36 / 2 = 19 + 7 = 26.
    So it all seems appropiate to me.

  2. Do whatever you want as long as they’re 18 or up I’m your age, and personally comfortable with 19 and up. Because I want to give myself 1 year buffer in case women lie about their age on the app. Now watch the incoming “pedo” claims. People love to judge

  3. The big issue is compatibility, which with age gaps comes down to maturity. The 18 year old who’s had maybe a bit of a difficult life and is on their own, paying their own bills probably has more in common with me than the failure to launch 30 year old who’s never had a held a job and still lives at home. There’s very few of those 18, or 30 year olds, in those situations.

    In general, I like to drink so someone sub-21 is basically out. Beyond that, she would really, really have to have her shit together and be doing things for me to be interested in someone that young.

  4. Don’t feel bad or guilted into seeing someone your age I grew up dirty poor most women my age didn’t find me attractive or think I would amount to anything to date now that I’m older i get the attention I didn’t from women 18-25 personally i don’t think it makes you a creep unless you’re pulling up to a high school I dated my age but I guess that’s I just didn’t have enough money to their liking with dating younger I can see someone have fun for a while before they care about my finances I’ve never been on a date with a woman my age where that didn’t come up in the first 30 min

  5. I’d probably find 4 years older or younger than me to be my max but it’s really situation dependant

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