My birthdays at the end of June. I’m supposed to hang with a close friend, but she has a family trip so she called it off and we’re going to celebrate at another day. I have no plans on my birthday right now and I just texted another friend and told her that I’m free (she asked about it around a month ago and I told her that I’m not free on that day because of my plans with my first friend)

But I feel like its so…awkward and weird since I kind of feel like I’m begging her to hang with me. I also feel like she was just casually asking me whether I’m free on my birthday months ago but doesn’t mean to actually plan anything.

Is it really weird to be saying something like this or am I overthinking?

  1. Nope. If you can come up with a cool activity, friends will want to participate. Simple as that.

    “Hey, it’s my birthday next friday and I want to go bowling. Do you want to come?”

    That’s a great text to get.

  2. It’s is incredibly not weird to initiate your own birthday plans. It’d be more weird if you expect others to make plans for YOUR birthday.

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