Hi all! I’ve (22F) been seeing a guy (22M) for a few months and he invited me to his birthday party this weekend. It’s meant to be pretty chilled out, his invitation had no +1s on it to keep numbers low but he clarified that I could bring someone if I want.

Initially I hadn’t thought much into going alone, but now I’m not sure. I’ve met his roommates, but I think they’re all within the same friend group – so it’s likely that everyone will know each other. He’s met a couple of my friends so I considered inviting one of them, but on one hand I think the party could be an opportunity to get to know his friends. If I brought a friend, I’d probably feel more inclined to spend most of my time with them. On the other hand, I don’t want the guy that I’m seeing to feel like he’s responsible for my enjoyment if I’m in an awkward position by not knowing anyone. What should I do?

  1. If it’s small and intimate, he probably wants you to get to know his friends better too. So, I wouldn’t bring anyone. If it’s bigger or you’re really anxious, sure. Not a big deal to bring someone if he already said it’s ok. Plus, if he’s got single friends and you got a single friend, could be fun. Overall, I’d say if you are going to bring a friend, bring your most fun, outgoing friend so you don’t have to babysit them – you want the support, rather than supporting someone else lol

  2. You’re overthinking it. I’d probably just go myself but if you’re feeling the anxiety of that bringing a friend won’t hurt.

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