What would you consider to be your most major source of stress?

  1. Lack of money and the current energy crisis and inflation that’s hitting my country hard.

  2. FOBO. I can’t help but wonder if I’m making the right choices. It’s exhausting…

  3. Finances. If I had some sort of magically refilling bank account, 90% of my problems would be solved, and I would only have to worry about being a good mom.

  4. I’m financially behind because I took time off from my career to raise my kids. Now I’m getting close to retirement and there just isn’t enough money as a single person. I am working on ways to earn more but it’s tough.

  5. My health. I have pcos, chronic inflammation, and insulin resistance. My whole lifestyle is designed to manage that, and when I feel lazy and can’t exercise, or can’t cook my healthy foods, Thai stress me out…

  6. I’m not a woman but a Man but I still want to anwser. In my case it’s probably loneliness

  7. Money, it seems by the time I figure out how much I need to save for a home, some other major shift in the economy happens and it’s just like the goalpost keeps moving

  8. I just don’t want to be alive any anymore. I’m not actively suicidal and I’m not a danger to myself. I’m just sick of living. I suffered horrible sexual abuse as a child, and despite decades of therapy and trying every medication ever, I just don’t get better. I can’t feel real happiness, even when I work hard and achieve lifelong goals (getting an MFA, getting published, buying a home). I don’t connect with people because they just somehow know something is wrong with me. I have terrible nightmares so I start every day exhausted and sad or scared. I don’t actually want to die. I’m interested in seeing what’s to come (and I’d never leave my dogs). I think I’d just prefer to have never been born.

  9. Finances, always finances. I am more than a billion% sure if I had a better and AT LEAST stable income a lot of my meaningless problems would disappear : arguing with hubby because we’re both stress due to too much projects but not enough funds ? Completely gone. Me having some quick crisis because I’m tired of taking care of everyone, financially, but me ? Completely gone.

  10. The future, on a very macro scale. The planet seems headed for imminent environmental disaster and no one in power seems to be doing anything about it. Income inequality is at pre-depression era extremes and people are struggling to meet basic needs in a way that hasn’t happened in generations. Politicians on the right trying to bring women, lgbtq+ communities, and poc back to subhuman, pre civil rights status. Science and learning are denigrated in the name of tradition and knee jerk emotions (very pre-enlightenment). The future is looking grim af. I’m bringing a baby girl into this world this fall, and I am terrified for what it will be like for her. It seems objectively worse than the world I was born into. I fear for her future.

  11. Exams 😭 I’m almost done with them forever, but this is the most stressful time of my life, it sucks

  12. Loneliness. But finances due to the cost of living crisis smashing Australia is a very close second.

  13. My health… fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis in lower back, IBS and a bunch of other stuff all making a sensory hellscape since im autistic

  14. Graduate school. It’s the added workload on assignments and the pressure to do it all in a small time frame. while also having to meet internship hours that requires us to drive to three different locations every week sometimes out of our city. I get home exhausted and stressed and I lost so much weight after only having time to eat one meal a day. I want to get my PhD, but yeah I’m done and don’t want to stress for another few years over something that won’t even pay me a lot.

  15. The environment I live in.

    Busy street, noisy cars, noisy neighbors lawnmowers & barking dogs, unorganized house. It’s just not a way I cant thrive. I have meltdowns from time to time because too much is going on. I belong to live in a cabin in the woods, and this rate of having a full Ike job & 2 side jobs, I’ll likely move out when I’m 40 (I’m 25F now) because everything is so goddamn expensive for literally no reason.

    So either my environment or my lack of enough money is the biggest stressors in my life.

  16. Honestly, myself. If I remembered to calm down, take a step back, and not catastrophize so much I think I’d be in a much better place to tackle everything in my life.

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