So my boyfriend (27m) and I (29f) were having a conversation about what feels the best between oral and vaginal sex. He said the order would be: head, hand job then vaginal sex as far as the best cum experience. He then expressed to me that he feels like he has a fetish for getting his dick sucked which was fine with me because I enjoy doing it. Then he said if he had to choose, he would be fine having sex once a month as long as he was getting his dick sucked almost everyday. I don’t know why but for some reason I felt a little bit bothered by that comment.

I guess I would have hoped he would want to have sex more often or at least the same amount of times as getting head. Maybe I’m just over thinking it.

Am I thinking too much into this?

  1. You’re not overthinking this at all.

    A daily BJ seems super awesome…for him. What’s in it for you? What are your sexual needs here? This post centers him but what about you?

    (I’m sure there’s a small # of women out there who’d be excited to give head once a day. The vast majority of everyone else would find that request absolutely laughable, especially if they’re not getting their own sexual needs serviced)

  2. How do you cum? I’d happily go the rest of my life trading oral daily and never have piv sex. But my wife doesn’t cum from penetration, oral only, so we’d both leave happy every day. So it really boils down to what he’s doing for you, or do you just get to finish once a month in his mind?

  3. > I don’t know why but for some reason I felt a little bit bothered by that comment.

    Is he going down on you? If not, that’s some bullshit.

  4. A guy that doesn’t want pussy, but will communicate to his girl he wants to be blown everyday is not a winner.

    His confidence even being able to communicate that is a red flag. Tread lightly. This has you getting hurt written all over it.

  5. I think it’s natural to feel a little hurt that his ideal sexual situation involves mostly you pleasuring him and no mention of giving you pleasure. You might enjoy sucking dick but that’s different from having a partner who’s as excited to meet your sexual needs as he is for you to meet his.

  6. With oral, he doesn’t have to do anything except lay there. Maybe he’s out of shape and sex is too strenuous?

  7. OP, what’s the rest of the situation? Does he cum inside of you during sex? Does he cum in your mouth during oral?

  8. Did you guys discuss what you want at all as far as sex or getting fingered or anything like that? If you didn’t thats most likely why because you wouldn’t be getting your needs met as much as he is and you would want something in return with not having sex as often. Point: have a balance of how much you’re giving VS how much you’re getting

  9. “A little bit bothered” he practically told you you should please him every single day and you get something back once a moth 💀 nah girl, that’s so selfish

  10. Not overreacting. It wod be understandable to feel less desirable from a comment like that.¹⁰⁰

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