Younger Americans of this sub, what are some new, unique words or phrases that the average person might not hear?

  1. Further context, I feel like there are many terms specific for certain groups that typically pertain to younger generations. I’ve learned a couple terms “donowalling”, “sadge”, etc, and I’m curious to know of other words or phrases that I might not know otherwise for being an “outsider”.

  2. the kids on, the video game and camgirl streaming website, will memorize the written commands for reaction images and say them out loud. Kids will call things poggers instead of exciting, or monka-S instead of stressful, or resident sleeper instead of boring.

  3. I feel a lot of terms popularized by K-Pop are also migrating (or even crossing back over) thanks to the younger generation getting into the genre. “Stan” (as originated by Eminem) is one of those terms, though its meaning now seems to have been watered down from “obsessive fan” to “avid fan.” So a girl saying “I stan BTS” is just saying “I really like BTS,” rather than “I’m willing to drive five hours to meet them with my boyfriend locked in the trunk of my car.”

    Another term that seems to have leaked over is “mukbang,” the practice of video streaming the act of eating something.

  4. I said “F in the chat” when a guy broke his tool the other day and I’m sure he had no idea what I meant.

  5. “That’s gas” Meaning that’s good, tasty, exciting, etc. More often used with food.

  6. yeet. it’s becoming more popular, but it’s still not too widely used outside of youth and internet culture.

  7. Simp is one I hear used occasionally, but I’m not sure how old it is. It’s someone who’s trying too hard to impress someone that they like.

    Cap is another one. Just a shorter term for “bullshit”.

  8. On god on god, has entered by vernacular as of recent and truth be told I like it.

  9. I can’t vouch for the rest of the US but at my high school the n-word is more said than cunt. And it’s not just black people either. People joke about race all the time. Everyday I hear people joke and call each other monkeys. I know it’s not actually mean but it’s just so crazy. I hear the n-word at least 20 times a day from people that haven’t even been driving for 2 years. Edit: By the way, when I say it is more used than cunt. This is probably due to the fact that no one ever says cunt ever.

  10. Groups:
    Atlanta/ urban / southern / black culture

    Stunting – dressing to impress for photos and

    social media

    It’s a vibe -atmosphere /feeling

    Bae- Boo – your sweet heart

    Salty – to be mean spirited, negative

    Tea or spilling tea – gossiping

    Basic -common / not special

    God knows my heart – don’t judge me/ actions

    Sus- that’s sus – suspect/ suspicious

    Keep it 100 – be real, be you

    Woke – to be social justice minded

    Flex -or that’s a flex – impressing other’s

    G.O.A.T – greatest of all time

    Shook – to be shook – surprised/ troubled

    Bye Felisha – to dismiss you

    Swerve -to avoid something

    I’m dead – that’s soo funny

    Whats Gucci – whats good / up

    Yasss – Yasss Queen – enthusiastic yes, go you

    Throwing shade – to get one up on someone

    Queen – a women doing very well

    Ratchet – trashy

    Low key – kinda sorta

    Extra – being over the top

    Lit – awesome

    Bojee – over the top – fake

    Savage – ruthlessly

    Thirsty – want some of that, usually sexual

    My bad – oops – sorry

    Trunt – excited – turned up

    We straight – were good

    Uppity – don’t know your place/ too good

  11. “F”




    Naur (I don’t say this but I see it a lot)


    Literally any twitch emote


  12. Apparently cheugy is supposed to be a derogatory word for Millennials? I guess we’re basic and treat our animals like children?

  13. dk how common this is outside the US but “I lol’d” is used in my area to express a feeling of humor/cringe. For example if I saw a video of my friend doing the floss or dabbing I might responde “I lol’d”, I’m 15 for reference.

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