I have been in a friends with benefits arrangement with a colleague of mine for the past one year and things have been going great. We got into this arrangement as she needed help exploring her body and she thought i would make her orgasm after she saw my dick print ( its the reason why she chose me in the first place 😅).

Along the way, the sex got better and an emotional connection was built as well. We’rebasically a couple without titles. We love kissing each other and its one of our favorite pastimes .Sexually, we are mostly compatible as we have no problem turning each other on but I haven’t made her orgasm not even once.
To be fair,every time we got into a rhythm that might make her cum, I end up coming first and she’s never in the mood to go again moments afterwards and declines any form of me pleasuring her.

Due to mostly unrelated reasons, she wants to call off the engagement but we’re having one last session before its a done deal and I really want to make sure this is the one. We’ve been here before ( her calling it off ) and we got back together again but she’s very assertive about it this time. We’ll still be close but with no intimacy, as per her.

We’re planninh to do some Molly and wine during our last outing as this was present during one of the best sessions we’ve ever had together and we bought a wand vibrator that she’s been getting good with as well.

Are there any tips that could possibly increase the chances of her orgasm? I know what to do to turn her on fully because we spend allot of time on foreplay. If neeeded to help me out, I will provide that info.Our favorite positions are missionary, spooning and prone boning ( this makes her wetter under the right conditions)

She’s mentioned she’d love to be spanked during but I’m not too good at that unfortunately. She says she’d love to feel dominated and owned but how she describes it is beyond my capacity because we’re physically the same size, unless theres other ways to do so.She doesn’t like being fingered nor being gone down on.

Thank you in advance , I really want this to be her best night ever with me because I honestly love her and I’m hoping this can be a sort of saving grace

  1. Dude lick her pussy once that molly hits no booze.
    Once she gets soaking your face use 2 fingers upwards going in till you hit her spot. Nothing better than rolling sex. No booze

  2. Don’t mix those.
    And Molly may make her less likely to actually orgasm….you too….

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