I’ve been official with my girlfriend for 2 months now. We dated casually but exclusively to one another since October 2022. We’re from different countries and I know we get on well. We’re affectionate to one another, see eachother often and have amazing sex which is important to me personally.
She told me she loved me a month ago ( she said it first), and I said I do too – because I’m sure I do. However, the other day she said she doesn’t know if she does. She’s not the most active texter which is no problem, but she used to be mushy and sweet only weeks ago when saying goodnight etc, but now they lack the ‘I love you baby’ bits. As far as I’m aware, and from having a talk, we’re not breaking up and she’s been rattling off future plans for us. As you can imagine it hurt so bad to hear and experience this. She’s not been in a relationship before and so I can understand the trepidation she’s likely facing. This is far from my first rodeo. I’m not willing to bring this up to her again but she sussed me fishing for more information and semi-jokingly said I’m emotionally needy!
Should I just chill out and let the good times roll and get out of my very stressed head? Cheers
tl;dr : New gf retracted her declaration of love, but doesn’t want to break up.

1 comment
  1. Yes, chill out. It’s been two months. It’s pretty early for either of you to know what’s going on with you and between you.

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