I’m trying to get out more. The issue is, other than bars and smoking weed, I have no idea what people my age (27) are doing? I’m currently just walking everyday but I feel like I need to be doing more. I’m also pretty sure the city I’m in is just shit.

  1. I’ve been asking the same thing. I’m from a small town, so basically everyone just stays home. I’m almost 25 and I pretty much just stay home and watch tv/play video games but I wish more ppl were out and about/willingly to hangout

  2. If I didn’t have my motorcycle; literally nothing besides running/lifting. Been trying to enrol myself in some more community hobbies because everything I do tends to be isolated.

  3. Find hobbies that you like to do. I love to roller skate, paint, read, hike, do community choir. Just find out what other things you like to do

  4. Here are some of the things I like to do (with others or alone):

    – Walking everywhere instead of busing or driving
    – Hiking
    – Rock climbing
    – Cardio, strength training, yoga
    – Bowling

    – Cooking and also looking for new recipes
    – Creative writing
    – Drawing (both digitally and traditionally)
    – Improv, roleplay, acting
    – Going over to a friend’s house and spending the whole day with them just chatting and doing miscellaneous things together

    – Dancing
    – Singing
    – Learning different languages
    – Learning magic tricks or card tricks
    – Random DIY projects from Pinterest
    – Mobile games, video games, board games, card games, any games really
    – DND, dueling with Yu-Gi-Oh cards, etc.
    – Reddit, Twitter, chatting with Character AI

    – Reading books, webtoons, manga
    – Watching YouTube videos, shows, movies, documentaries, anime
    – Listening to music, podcasts, and audiobooks
    – Cleaning or doing errands while listening to music on the speaker

    Things I don’t currently do but I would like to do in the future:

    – Learning how to play piano, guitar, viola, maybe flute
    – Going to concerts, live shows, plays, musicals
    – Martial arts (not sure what type yet)
    – Fencing
    – Archery
    – Swimming

    – Coding
    – Sewing
    – Gardening
    – Learning wilderness survival skills, first aid, CPR, and other miscellaneous skills

  5. I like getting outside!
    If I can take the whole day to do something, I like hiking or going on the river.

    Spend the day walking around prettier parts of my city (although it’s a tourist city so it’s prob pretty than most if you’re in the US)

    You can get into a hobby that’s group centered. I play dungeons and dragons

  6. If the weather is nice I’ll mostly grab a beer with some friends at a cafe. I also go to the cinema a lot and I recently started archery. Archery is easy to start with and if you want to put the effort in, can be quite social.

  7. D&D! I’m new to it myself, but with the right group it can be a good outlet and also a source of that “community” feeling we’re all looking for. But without the all the normal pressures of being “yourself.” And as someone with a lot of social anxiety and self confidence issues, it’s very encouraging to see a group of people willing to be silly with each other.

    Though of course it can be hard to find a group. I happened to become friends with a DM and existing group through work, but plenty of people go online too. I am also the youngest person in my group (28).

    It’s also given me motivation to craft more, like I used to as a teenager but increasingly never seemed to have time or interest for once life got monotonous. It’s created a reason to do what I enjoy again as well as being its own interest now.

    Anyway I hope you find what you’re looking for~

  8. I’m 29 and currently live in a small town where there aren’t many things to do. I am in three book clubs, I go jogging with friends at a local park, thrift with friends,
    and I scrapbook.

  9. some activities you could do: Go-Karts, Cinema, Bowling, Mini Golf, Zoos, Theme Parks

  10. 34yo (a month away from 35…) What I do? Wake up, eat chill check my phone during eating, go to the gym do groceries, pick up my daughter (5), go to a skatepark, her on a scooter me on a longboard, we ride every day, at night every other thursday I have my own jamsession, visit some others that are during the day with my daughter, go to great concerts together with my minion and/or with friends, saw gojira yesterday, and the days I have empty I visit an old bicycle prepare shop for some coffee but find me working on bikes soon enough and helping customer. For every single hour I have left, I practice on my guitar, bass or drums. This weekend start the swimming lessons for my daughter (I’m teaching her) and do some freelance audio at smaller concerts and festivals. Don’t have a full time job, got that out of the way as fast as I could, so I could have a life with my baby girl and really be there and raise her properly

  11. Do yourself a massive favor and buy a guitar and start learning. After a few months, you’ll meet tons of other guitarists in your area. Guitar stores are hotspots for making friends.

  12. Ever consider volunteering? The work isn’t always fun, but it can be rewarding and it’s a great way to meet people.

  13. The generic lists of ‘walk, hike, read’ are so frustrating. I don’t have anyone to hang out with, and I’m not exaggerating like the people who have 20 friends and do something 6-7 days of the week.. literally I text no one besides my husband, mom, and son all day long. Im excessively bored 24/7 and don’t even know how to make friends at this point. I just got clean off drugs and had to drop every single person, aside from one girl. Once she began OF she became a different person. We’ll talk once every 3 months make plans and never follow through. This question is so valid but so hard to answer.

  14. Well sense I’m childless whatever I want to do everyday freedom is very fun

  15. if we’re being honest, many of the 25-30 year olds I know are doing shit like going to fancy restaurants, going out to bars and clubs, taking trips to different cities or countries, and attending special events like raves, Coachella, weddings, front row seats of NFL playoff games, etc.

  16. Haha I feel the same. This city Im in makes it hard to experience something else !

  17. 27 here.

    Still trying to build a career and learn this branch so it motivates to work 10h a day, also I travel a lot for work, so I’m a few months in one city and then to the next one.

    When you’re alone in a new city you can always explore it and drive around.
    But if I don’t want to leave my hotel room I’ve bought a concertina, it’s like a small harmonica, that I’m trying to learn. Also I’m studying for a ultra light airplane license which takes some time.

    I am one to two weekends per month home, these weekends are usually filled with seeing friends and family so always nice to be home every once in a while.

    TL:DR find a job that motivates you

  18. Crafts. I (31) really like clay because I can usually tear apart what I’m making if I don’t like it and not “waste” any supplies. I usually prefer polymer clay because it has to be baked at like 250°F to cure and doesn’t take forever to cure via air and it doesn’t require a special kiln either. I’m actually having a craft party at my house this weekend for a couple of my friends.

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