What kind of dog do you own? Does it matter to you whether your dog is from a recognized breed or is a mixture?

  1. I don’t currently have a dog but my previous one was a mutt. I’d rather have that than a specific breed.

  2. I own a pure bred beagle, and a mutt that’s a pit bull/lab mix and I personally don’t care that’s just how it worked out I guess lol

  3. I had a westie (west highland white terrier)

    In the future I’d like a westie or a Scottie and my wife wants a chocolate lab but either of us would take a mixed breed (mut) happily.

  4. We have a dog that was cute and $25 at the humane society. We have made no effort to determine his ethnic background.

  5. I had a Cockapoo, because my allergies were terrible and I hate dog hair on the furniture and on my clothes. Our next dog will likely be a poodle mix as well.

  6. I have a pug/pekingese/mutt mix and a Korean Village Dog (that’s apparently the actual breed name). I prefer mutts from animal shelters because they’re significantly cheaper than purebred, and mutts tend to live longer.

  7. One is largely beagle, the other is a total Heinz 57.

    It doesn’t really matter to me what breed or whether it’s a mutt really. I can’t see myself ever buying a puppy from a breeder, though, so I’ll probably always have mutts.

  8. Assuming things go well today during my husband’s and son’s visit with her, we’ll be getting a Dalmatian. The breed or mix doesn’t matter to me- I just want a good, loving dog that does well with my son.

  9. I have a chocolate lab/American bulldog and a dachshund/chihuahua(?). I always get my dogs from the local shelter.

  10. As a former dog breeder, I like known breeds from known lineage because you can be more sure you are getting the traits and characteristics you are looking for. Not that I have anything against mutts, its just more of a crapshoot.

  11. Mutts are healthier but much less predictable with what adult dog you get, especially for the vast majority for which the parentage is an agency guess.

  12. I have only ever had one pure breed dog. All the rest of mine have been mutts. I prefer it that way. They’ve all been rescues of one type or another.

  13. Ive had a couple of westies and would love another one. Out current canine companion is a mutt. Some kind of schnauzer/poodle mix with who knows what else.

    I love most dogs, so I’m not overly picky about breeds.

  14. I’ve always had mixed breeds dogs. I would consider a purebred dog, but I do prefer to get a rescue dog.

    I’ve mostly had Labrador Retriever mixes, one of them being a Great Dane lab mix, I’d be interested in hearing a purebred of either breed. One of my other dogs was a mix that the dominant breed was corgi and I’d have a full corgi too if I ever had the opportunity.

    Right now I have an 85lb white lab bull dog mix that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

  15. I don’t currently, but the dog I had growing up was a mutt. We think she was part Irish setter, part lab.

    Dog breeding “purity” is stupid. Case in point: the pug. A dog bred for a certain look that is actually harmful to the dog’s health.

    So… No idgaf if they’re a pure breed or not. If anything I’d prefer mutts cause there’s way more of those in need of a home than the pure bred dogs that are usually sought out by people with more money than sense.

  16. Mutt – chihuahua/beagle/norwegian elkhound mix according to his dog DNA test. Idk how accurate those things are

  17. We have a weimaraner. She is 100% weimaraner. And is the best dog I’ve ever had.

    Not sure if I could get another after her. I would love to. But we got fortunate with her and her breeder. Others are charging a several hundred dollar deposit and then 1k plus for the dog. Ours is a house dog. Don’t have the time for hunting or the funds to train her to hunt. But she’s great and has the traits we want in a pet. She lives to be loved, to please, to play, and is smart.

    Does it matter? I would prefer a recognized breed that is healthy, comes from a good home, and isn’t some instagram advertised hypoallergenic dog. I’m sure they’re sweet but I have specific wants in a dog and I’d rather buy one that has a good history and traits I want.

  18. I used to have Dachshunds but they have passed. Parents had a Springer Spaniel when I was a kid. I don’t care about breeds though really… a good boy is a good boy. *or good girl

  19. Never bought a dog and it doesn’t matter. Treat them well and they will love ya.

  20. Two pure huskies (both rescues) and two husky mixes, one of which has a sliver of wolf DNA.

    My oldest and youngest are the mixes. I don’t necessarily care about a dog being purebred, but I love my northern breeds and mixes.

  21. Our last dog was a rottweiler/german shepherd mutt. We had him for 13 years. He was a very loveable loyal idiot. I prefer rescue dogs but it doesn’t matter if they are mutts or purebred.

  22. Vet said probably a lab/Dane mix.

    All my dogs have been from the pound or just the side of the road, not a pedigree guy.

  23. A mixed rescue dog from a shelter. The staff there got to know her and we’re very good at describing her personality and needs. She’s the best dog.

  24. I have a Pocket Beagle/Blue Tick (Guinevere) and a Great Dane, (Arthur) nope it does not matter if they are a pure breed or mutt, I love them just the same. Before these dogs all my dogs were mutts. I also have a cat as well. (Luna) I’ve had Gerbils and a Bunny too.

  25. I have 2 golden retrievers. My wife wanted them but I love them to death. She only wants pure bread dogs since she had some bad experiences with mutts in her childhood. I never had dogs but they are awesome. I’m so sad they’re actually going to die someday even tho they’re both under 6.

  26. It might surprise you given my user name that I have 3 Irish Setters. Yea it matters to me, I hunt and show my dogs.

  27. I have a chihuahua mix who looks all chihuahua and I love her more than anything in the world

  28. Alaskan Malamutes. We’ve had three starting in 1994. My wife liked them and did a lot of research as well as found the breeder who focused on temperament and using them as working dogs.

    Love the breed. Independent minded, will talk about things they care about. Love people and are fairly predictable in behavior. Not a breed for everyone and the puppy years are a lot of work. We look for relatively consistent behaviors so sometimes breeds are a good way to get that.

  29. I feel very guilty for this but I prefer purebred dogs from a breeder as opposed to mutts from a shelter.

    My family had a golden retriever for 14 years.

  30. Right now we share a dog with the neighbor. He’s part hound, part Great Dane. He’s not pretty, but he is a big lovable mutt.
    Demeanor is what matters most to me.

  31. I have a mutt that was a stray. Could not care in the least whether I have a mitt or a purebred but will *always* have a rescue or shelter dog.

  32. I look down on people with those freak breeds like Pugs and bulldogs. Barely even a dog anymore just a genetic mess

  33. I have an English cocker spaniel. I love all dogs and would have been open to a mutt, but she’s my first dog and my husband isn’t a dog person, so I went with a breed I knew to be easy to deal with. My second dog will be an adult rescue of some sort because puppies are evil.

  34. I have blue heelers and corgis. I prefer a recognized breed personally because I know what I am going to get to a certain extent. You never know what you’re getting with a mutt. That can be true with purebreds as well but less likely. I also have a farm and wanted farm dogs.

  35. Got a mixed breed rescue. Was told he was a beagle mix and would grow to be less than 30 lbs. Turns out he’s 0% beagle. He grew to be 90 lbs. We didn’t want to take a chance getting a sister that wouldn’t be big enough for him to play with so we ended up getting a purebred for the next one, she’s a Rottweiler. Really doesn’t matter the breed, every dog is an individual to me.

  36. We have a Tibetan mastiff and people ask all the time what he is because he’s so huge. He’s a rescue and barely has two brain cells but everyone is terrified of him.

  37. German shepherd, he’s so much smarter and intuitive than any other dogs I’ve had. For this reason I will only look for German shepherd rescues in the future.

  38. I have a dog that is a Husky-Dalmation-mutt mix. When he was a puppy, people would literally pull over on the side of the road to look at him on his walks. He is still a very beautiful dog and tons of people comment on his looks.
    He is also too smart for his own good. We can’t have quick release collars. He would dig in our back yard to find rocks, then roll on the rocks until the collar came off and then he would run into the meadow at the end of the street. https://i.imgur.com/sUqPO7Q.jpg

  39. My dad told me at a young age, “Dogs are free.” We’ve always had one or more dogs and we’ve never paid a cent to get them and never cared about the breed. (No, we don’t steal them)

  40. We have a yorkie bc my partner prefers “pure breeds”. I don’t really give a shit. Growing up we only had mutts.

    While I have come to love the yorkie, I’d rather pay no more than $50 next time.

  41. My wife and I had a basenji, however he unfortunately ended up with an inoperable brain tumor and we did the humane thing and put him down. He lived a hard life before we adopted him and was severely abused. We did the best we could to provide a loving home for him and we were making pretty good strides to correct his behaviour, but the tumor made him incredibly aggressive. He even ended up attacking me, causing me to get stitches in my face to close up the wound.

    I still wouldn’t trade the experience for anything because we at least made an effort to give him a good home.

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