So I (20M) once had a crush on this girl (now, 20F). I was madly in love with her, and after a couple of months of actually getting to know her I asked her out, she rejected me and friendzoned me. I slowly started backing away from her because just seeing her would hurt me. But eventually, I overcame my feelings and we still hung out together a lot. Now she texted me she wants to go on a date with me. I still have feelings for her (Not as strong as back then, but still), but I also learned to love our platonic friendship, and am afraid of losing it.

Tldr: my old crush now asked me out and I’m not sure how to go about it.

What should I tell her? Should I pursue this relationship or leave it in the past?

  1. That is a tough one. I have never turned down a girl who asked me out, but I have never been asked out by a girl who turned me down.

    You know, go for it. It is one date. It isn’t commitment. See if she was just being young and dumb and is now actually into you. Play it cool. Do not chase her. If she doesn’t see you as a catch then it will never work out.

  2. If this girl is a true friend, y’all should be able to withstand regardless of a date not working out. You were able to do it, weren’t you? She rejected you, it stung, but eventually you got over it and were able to be friends. Give her the benefit of the doubt to be able to do the same. Life is too short to be so wrapped up in fears that you miss out possibilities.

  3. Up to you. There is a real risk of destroying the friendship. You have to decide if dating her is worth the risk. If you don’t have strong feelings then don’t bother.

  4. >What should I tell her? Should I pursue this relationship or leave it in the past?

    Higher options must turned her ‘down’ as well so she settle for guy she know had feelings for her.

    Anyway dude. She not only girl there so stick to past feelings s not good idea. You dont know reason why she want go date and what made her change mind.

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