I hear so many people give advice to date multiple people at once so you have multiple options and also don’t get too attached to any single option but I just feel like this so isn’t me but I do feel like I always end up way more invested than the guy I’m seeing. I also wonder how people have time and energy to do this, between work, my self care, relationships with friends and family…it’s like how does anyone have time to date multiple people? And how can you find the right one when your distracted like that and not giving it your all?

  1. Multiple for sure.

    The goal for most is to find someone with high compatibility and a long term relationship. In order to find this, you have to do a lot of interviews. When the right person emerges it will be a clear as finding the sun in the sky.

    Once an undeniable connection is found, this is where you have the talk about being exclusive. Until you find that…you have to meet as many people as it takes to achieve the goal.

  2. I often in texting stage will have multiple people writing to but they will be less than 10 people. Then I just narrow it down to the people I’m interested. often it will be 3 I’m interested to meet and after 2-3 dates I will only focus on one person.

    But I think people do what works best for them. I know one of my brothers only date one person at a time.

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