Options are:

New York/New Jersey


New England


Pacific NW


There’s definitely more, but here are some pretty general choices

  1. I think my accent is fairly general American. I would probably go with a southern accent because it’s the “other” accent I hear the most where I live, and I like it.

  2. Philly.

    I used to have one but mostly lost it after almost 40 years in New England. I miss it.

  3. Well… growing up in the piedmont area of NC, I speak with a Carolina twang. I have no desire to change it but, if I had to, I’d go with that sweet Georgia accent that drips off the lips like honey.

  4. I have a generic American accent, why not keep it? I guess southern would make sense for me since I am from and live in Texas.

  5. I’d love to have my southern accent back (thanks for taking that away, midwest! Jeez oh pete…), but if I could tweak it i’d like it to be more like Charleston or Savannah southern.

  6. The only acceptable answer is southern drawl. All other American accents are harsh and hard on the ears.

  7. I have a pretty standard American accent but grew up in the South and whenever I go down South I love the accent and it kind of finds its way into my own speech.

  8. Maybe not what you’re looking for, but I’m curious what led you to include the PNW accent in your list? It does exist, but it’s almost indistinguishable from general American English in my experience.

  9. I like that far northeastern accent that you get in Maine and New Hampshire. It sounds almost British, yet in a category of its own. Makes me want to go whaling.

  10. I’m from Georgia. Although I’ve lost most of my native accent (unless I’m back home or really angry), I still love it. If I had to choose something else, I’d go with Cajun.

  11. Southie-Bostonian. I worked with a guy from there and I could def adopt that accent. (Original accent is southern drawl)

  12. This is a little off topic, but I grew up in upstate NY and I remember once my teacher saying that we talked ‘the right way’.

    I was young and probably didn’t get the context of what she was saying, but (correct me if I’m wrong) don’t most news reporters train themselves to get that Mid-Atlantic accent?

  13. Midwestern. Sounds so friendly and polite. Unlike my new england accent and linguistic tendencies.

  14. I grew up in the Carolina’s and have been told I have a slight accent. Most of the time, I have the typical mid-Atlantic variant (which is your most standard American accent).

    But when I get drunk… the twang comes out!

    It’s funny because im Asian American.

  15. I guess anything? My wife finds my (allegedly) heavy Chicago accent annoying

  16. Give me the main accent of the Carolinas. I don’t know why but I find that accent attractive as hell.

  17. Southern. I’m from Northern California so mine is a fairly generic newscaster accent. Funny thing is that years ago I did a lot of customer support for the south and after a day of talking to them I’d have a bit of a drawl for a while.

  18. I grew up in New Orleans and moved to Virginia as a young boy, I used to have a little bit of a Cajun accent but I lost it and now have that country twang in my voice. Would I like to have my old accent? Yeah. But, I still like the one I have so it’s no big deal.

  19. I like new jersey accents, but given my irl cultural background it will be very misleading for a guy who knows how to castrate a cow and has no knowledge of urban slang to use a new jersey accent.

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