My fellow Americans who have been a guest on a game or reality show, what’s your story?

  1. Not myself but being in LA at the time a bunch of people from my dorm went on The Price is Right and one of them won all the way including a boat and a couple of vacations.

    He sold everything back except the vacations.

  2. I was at a Nickelodeon show that was a hybrid talk/game show that for the life of me I can’t remember the name of in the late 80s. I was originally just a spectator but got picked to be a contestant. I had to run through a maze with these like size 25 platform converse all stars with plungers in my hand… came in second and “won” a wireless remote setup for my Nintendo. That thing would change my TV channels and wound up frying out the wireless receiver for my TV remote in like three days.

  3. I was a guest on Oprah in the early 90s when it was still mostly a basic talk show (before the you get a car! era). It was fun. I got recognized a lot afterward in my home town. I wouldn’t do it again, but I’m glad I went. I still have the coffee mug they gave all the people who were on the show.

  4. My sister knew a guy that was chosen to be on Survivor. It was the second or third season. He turned it down because he was married and his character was scripted to have an affair or suggested that he was having an affair with another contestant. Him and his wife said no thanks.

  5. I got to play Leapfrog on Bozo’s Circus when I was 9… does that count?

    My friend and I were selected along with 6-8 other kids to team up and compete in a game of leap frog. We came in last place, but got a GI Joe toy and a giant box of Archway cookies.

  6. My mom and aunt were on a home flipping show. It was insanely fake and left us all kinda hating that kind of show.

  7. I got to be on a Japanese tv show called Nippon Ni Ikitai Ouendan, translates to something like cheer squad for people who want to go to Japan. It was basically like make a wish, except for the sad sick kid part. They found foreigners who had a particular interest, then filmed them as they got to live it out. Yeah, they’re kinda making fun of how much foreigners love Japan, but eh, free trip to Japan? Yes please!

    They found me through my cooking blog, so I was chosen to learn about salmon. I got to stay with a Japanese family who owned a 100 year old salted salmon business, it was amazing. It was an experience you wouldn’t be able to have as a regular tourist, one of the best trips of my life!

  8. It’s not me but I got to know the host of American Idol very well while I was a freshman and sophomore in college.

    No, not *that* host. The other one who quit the show before it become hugely popular and had his career completely derailed in the process.

    Long story short: It didn’t go well.

    However I was in the background of an episode of MTV’s Fraternity Life.

  9. I tried out for Who Wants to be a Millionaire back when Regis was still the host, but didn’t make it past round one.

  10. I have not. A college friend and his wife were on a major yard reno show and didn’t have a great experience. They made the yard look great on the show, but in reality (no pun intended) they left huge chunks of the yard dug up and undone. Then they choose plants not native to the area that couldn’t survive the heat and all died within a week.

  11. I was on a YouTube dating show for Seventeen called “Bestie Picks Bae,” where one person is blindfolded and his friends had to ask us questions to determine who would be the best fit for their friend. It was an LGBT edition, so all dudes.

    I got pretty far but was eventually voted out because I said I liked Avatar the Last Airbender, and his friends claimed that liking cartoons is too childish (ikr). After filming, the guy saw me and said, “I would have watched cartoons with _him!_” which felt pretty good!

  12. Not me BUT I went to massage school with one of the people that was on survivor a while ago. She’s kind of a complete bitch and thinks she’s hot shit when she was just on some bs show. She said she wouldn’t work on ugly people and posts on fb about her workout and such. Fake ass biiiiitch.

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