Hi <3

I’m a woman in my 20s, so it isn’t that I have a problem getting attention from men. The problem is that 99% of these guys bore me to tears. It probably isn’t their fault, but a lot of the men I meet can’t carry on a conversation/they go on and on and on about themselves, and a lot of them are flat-out sleazy/disgusting.

I met one guy two weeks ago, and to say we hit it off is an understatement. He was the only guy (maybe ever??) who made me feel excited about meeting someone and possibly falling in love. He lives across the country, so we are putting the brakes on it for now. In the meantime, though, I have this (probably untrue) nagging feeling that I will never meet anyone ever again who makes me feel this way, and I’m crying like a child lol.

Has anyone else ever felt this and been proven wrong? I want to believe there are other guys out there who could make me super happy but…..

1 comment
  1. My main question is why do you think you need a relationship to be happy?

    I get not wanting to go through life unloved and/or wanting marriage and kids. But you sound like your whole idea of happiness rests on this one thing and that’s honestly not healthy.

    Work on yourself. Develop hobbies and interests, strong friendships and your career.

    Your chance of finding someone interesting increases dramatically when you’re doing interesting things yourself (and might meet someone with similar interests while our and about being active in your hobbies) and don’t come across as desperate.

    You might also want to re-examine where you’re meeting these guys and change that up. Fishing from the same pool and expecting different results might be a fool’s errand.

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