Would Americans care as much about Ukraine if it were in a different continent?

  1. Well if it was on a different continent I doubt Russia would be trying to invade it

  2. If it were on a different continent it wouldn’t be happening right next door to a whole bunch of countries that we have pledged to defend with nuclear weapons. That is, unless it were happening in East Asia.

  3. I’m pretty sure that if Russia decided to go the opposite direction and invade Japan we’d be giving an even stronger response.

  4. If it were on a different continent, there is probably a higher chance the US would actually get directly involved militarily, assuming the country had the same strategic resources Ukraine does. The only reason it is not sending troops is because it is not in NATO and Russia is quite literally its next door neighbor.

  5. Yeah, if it were in Antarctica I’d be pretty confused about the whole business.

  6. Probably. And we’d care more about it if it were in a different part of the same continent for that matter.

    That’s not surprising, nor is it unique to the US. Every country has different parts of the world that it generally cares more or less about, whether for reasons of culture, history, geopolitics, etc.

  7. We care because it’s Russia attacking. If this was two African nations that have no power to end the human race as we know it, no one would care.

  8. The reason I care about Ukraine is because Ukrainians care about America, I think. Actually, a lot of post-soviet states seem to be fans of the US. That makes me happy.

    Couple that with stuff like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and I have plenty reason to care about Ukraine that has nothing to do with it being a European nation, and everything to do with its people.

  9. We armed the afghans against them. We fought them in Vietnam by proxy.

    Georgia is probably more similar to the Ukraine situation. I don’t know much about that war.

  10. Sure, if the same fact pattern of “repressive wannabe empire tries to annihilate neighboring democratic country” emerged elsewhere. There aren’t too many places set up for that particular scenario at the moment, but where the potential exists (Taiwan, Korea) the will to make an even bigger stink about it than we have with Ukraine is in abundant evidence.

  11. Geography always matters. History always matters.

    If Ukraine was in a different geographic location, Russia wouldn’t have invaded them in the first place.

    If the US didn’t have a mutual defense pact with Ukraine’s neighbors aimed against Russian expansion, the US wouldn’t have sent as much aid.

    There are countries that, if invaded, the US military would get directly involved (like any country with a mutual defense pact). And there are countries that, if invaded, the US would send verbal protests. Ukraine is in the middle.

  12. If the situation were completely different, yes, the response would likely be different as well

  13. You overestimate Russia’s ability to lift a war machine. They can’t even land lift an army let alone a sea or air lift.

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