For context, my partner and I have been together for 8 years now. We’re college sweethearts and before he’s a shining example of prim and proper.

Much to my delight (as a student body leader, I know, it’s pathetic, but I felt like having him by my side is a plus during my college years because of the fact that he’s a campus heartthrob from the Information and Technology department), during those times people would say how they envy our relationship.

He’s quite the nerd so he’s very timid. Needless to say, I’m the one who’s always in command, I am the one who’s always assertive (my way or the highway kind of stuff).

However, when it was during our 4th year together that I decided to move in and live together because he says he’ll take care of me (which he does up to date, I’m spoiled, honestly like a princess).

As we live together, I realized that I’m the only one who likes the house neat, organized, and smelling fresh. While he helps clean the house, the standards of my cleanliness to his is different.

This level of cleanliness extends to his hygiene. Nowadays, if he doesn’t smell, he wouldn’t take a bath or if I don’t tell him that he needs one, he won’t take a bath.

Since I’m the main provider (he’s the kitchen guy because he’s great at cooking and my salary is twice as his), there are instances where I’d ask him if we could go outside the house and enjoy each other’s company instead of playing League or watching anime (he’s an introvert and I’m kind of the adventurous one and he prefers home dates).

However, when I do, he’d put on the bare minimum to get ready. Before he’s like a sassy kind of male that is simply gorgeous. Nowadays, he looks like a typical man you’d see loitering the street (with no sense of style or whatsoever).

While I always make it a point to accommodate his taste (he likes simple stuff like going on a diner, munching on street food), there are cases where I’d regret bringing him to places I feel like he’d enjoy (well, according to him he is enjoying it) but it’s my own judgement that feels like he’s visually (not to mention his gestures and mannerisms) that are simply out of place.

It even got to the point where I would decide to go out of the house and just tell him I’m going to a new place without inviting him because I feel ashamed that he’s with me.

Can you please tell me what to do?
Thank you.

TL;DR – I (F 27) feel ashamed that I can’t bring my (M 25) partner on “kind of’ high end places because of how out of place he looks and acts.

  1. Talk to him about it…? He seems like a lovely guy that treats you nice but doesn’t care about himself. I’d ask if he’s doing okay and if he’s happy because you’ve noticed he doesn’t seem to take pride in his appearance like he used to.

  2. He is showing symptoms of depression and you are not able to see it. You have a good relationship going on, make an effort to preserve that, find out what is really gnawing at him, seems he is loosing his sense of self worth. Help him get over that. And rest all will be solved. All the best.

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